Page 75 of The Edge

Harper eyed Fuss and said, “What do you mean, he ‘can’t look down’?”

The man seemed to be sincere, thought Devine, or else he was an excellent liar. “A couple of cervical spinal fusions that went bad. He has severely restricted range of motion. Thought Guillaume would have told you. You obviously saw her at the funeral home and she told you that we had met.”

“You’re wrong. We didn’t talk to her,” said Fuss. “We saw both your cars in the parking lot when we passed by on our way here.”


“Now what about Earl?” asked Harper.

“I gave him a little test at the spot where he claimed to have seen Jenny’s body.” He filled them in on what he had done to discover the man’s inability to look downward.

“Are you sure?” asked Harper.

“Test him yourself,” suggested Devine. “And the guy has a hard time walking. No, he doesn’t really walk, he shuffles. So he was out in a monsoon shuffling miles, including through the mud, to the edge of that bluff?”

“If what you’re suggesting is true, it opens up a can of worms,” said Harper.

“It actually changes everything,” replied Devine.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Harper.

“If he didn’t look down and see her, how was she actually found? Did she really fall on the rocks after being shot, or was she killed elsewhere and moved there later?”

“Hold on, hold on,” protested Fuss. “You’re getting way over your skis the way I see it.”

“I don’t think so. It’s a fact that when Earl called 911 there was a body at the spot mentioned?”

“Yes,” said Harper. “I told you that. The night dispatcher called me and I called Wendy. We went out there straightaway.”

“And Earl was there?”

“Sure was, right over at the edge. He pointed to where she was.”

“Did he look down when he pointed?”

“I don’t remember,” snapped Harper. “I had other things to think about.”

“But if he didn’t find her, what was he really doing there?” asked Devine.

“You’rethe one saying that, not us.”


“We do that, it’s as good as saying we don’t believe him.”

Devine retorted, “I thought our job was to find the facts, not worry about hurt feelings.”

“We don’t need you to tell us how to do our job,” interjected Fuss heatedly. “In fact, you made our job harder by preventing us from searching Jenny’s room and car right away.”

“I had nothing to do with that.”

“It was stillyourpeople,” pointed out Fuss.

“This is getting us nowhere,” said Devine. “Are you going to speak to Earl?”

Harper hitched up his pants. “I’ll let you know. In the meantime, what can you tell us about those three people you killed? Your boys turn up anything?”

“Not that they’ve shared with me.”