Page 69 of The Edge

“We will.”

“There was another vehicle, and I heard a woman’s voice. Anything on that?”

Saxon shrugged. “Not yet. We have BOLOs out but not much to go on. I would imagine they’re long gone by now.”

“Or hiding in plain sight,” noted Devine.

“In this Podunk place?” said Mann.

“This Podunk place has a lot of newcomers from all over.”

“What’s the attraction?” Saxon wanted to know.

“Lower cost of living for those who can work remotely and wanted to get out from being around millions of people.”

Saxon nodded thoughtfully. “COVID changed a lot.”

“In some ways it changed everything,” replied Devine.

He stood and Saxon said, “Where are you going?”

“Back to work.”

“With people gunning for you?”

“Assuming a fetal position is not an option. And when you’re in combat the mission comes before personal safety, at least they taught me that in the Army.”

“Four-one-one, Devine: You’re not in combat anymore,” growled Saxon.

“Could’ve fucking fooled me,” replied Devine as he walked out.



DEVINE DROVE TO A PLACEhe’d already been, twice. And this time he was not leaving without answers, truthful ones.

Earl Palmer answered the door. He looked pale and ill, thought Devine. His white sweater was stained and his pants drooped off his skinny hips and shriveled glutes.

“You okay, Mr. Palmer?” asked Devine, genuinely concerned about him.

“Yeah, yeah, just a twelve-hour bug. I’m getting over it. What do you want?”

“To ask you some more questions.”

His expression lapsed into a scowl. “Look, son, I’ve told you all I know.”

“Never hurts to go over it again. And I’d like you to go somewhere with me if you feel up to it.”

“Where?” said Palmer guardedly.

“To where you found the body.”

Palmer shook his head. “I don’t want to go back there. Almost had a heart attack.”

“Please, Mr. Palmer, it won’t take long. I’ll drive you and bring you right back here.”

“What else can—”