Page 64 of The Edge

But for having not spent much time with the person, Alex had done quite a good likeness.

Of me.




Devine woke and sat up straight to see the morning sunlight shafting into the skylight.

He scrambled to his feet from his sleeping berth on the floor and faced off with Alex Silkwell, who was not looking as angry as her words might have implied, but more curious.

And perhaps a bit amused.

She had on the same clothes as the last time he’d seen her in the studio. Her hair hung wet and limp around her face. He actually liked it that way better than piled on top. The latter was too theatrical, he supposed was the word. The former just seemed more...truthful?

And why are you even thinking about that?

“Well?” said Alex, giving him a raised-eyebrow look.

“I had a spot of trouble in town and decided my cottage at the inn might be compromised.”

“So you pickedmystudio to be compromised instead?”

“I had few options. But I made sure I wasn’t followed.”

“Okay, but you were sleeping so hard I could have taken my time and killed you.”

Devine didn’t say anything to this, because he knew she was probably right.

She perched on a worktable. “What sort of trouble?”

“Just some guys who wanted me to do something I didn’t want to do.”

“Like what?”

Like die, he thought. But said, “Nothing important.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“I’m not sure, but I’m willing to listen.”

She scowled at his flippancy. “You don’t look like the sort that anyone could make do anything.”

“You never know. So that’s why I came here.”

“The door was locked. Ialwayslock it.”

He took out his pick gun. “Then you should strongly consider a stronger lock.”

Her scowl deepened. “Should I call the police? Isn’t breaking and entering illegal?”

“I swear I broke nothing.”

She seemed to think of something and glanced at the sketch of him on the easel.

Her face flushed. “’re probably thinking...” She gave up.