Page 50 of The Edge

She was sitting there staring straight out the windshield, her body trembling and spasming like she had been doused with ice water.

“I heard that Alberta taught you art?”

Alex stopped trembling, closed her eyes, and drew a long, composing breath as she said some words that Devine tried to lip-read or hear but couldn’t. She opened her eyes and seemed back to normal. “She was a wonderful artist in her own right. And the kindest person I ever met.”

“You must have been devastated when she was killed.”

“I’m not sure that’s a strong enough word, actually. I’m embarrassed to say that my sister’s death didn’t affect me as much as Bertie’s did.” She glanced at him. “I guess you think I’m an awful person for saying that.”

“Your feelings are your feelings. And there’s no law that says you have to love your family above all others. Everyone has their own experiences in that regard.”

Alex nodded appreciatively and said, “She was actually the reason I started teaching at the school. Bertie had done it for decades. But then her eyesight started to fail and her fingers weren’t as nimble and she...It was just time for her to let someone else do it. And that someone else was me.”

“I’m sure she was pleased.”

“She was, very much so. Which made me incredibly happy.”

They drove on in silence for a few moments.

“Last chance on joining us for dinner tonight,” said Devine.

She hesitated but then shook her head. “I have some work to catch up on, and then I think I’ll go to bed early. But thanks.”

He dropped Alex off and watched her walk into her home. Then he turned the car around. He had some things to do before meeting Dak tonight.

But in light of recent events, his primary objective right now was to stay alive.



HE STOPPED BY A HARDWAREstore and bought some duct tape. When he got to his room at the inn, he checked his booby traps, then he duct-taped over the hole in the window and closed the curtains. He eyed the opposite wall where the round had embedded itself, and he wondered if the locals had made any progress on finding out who had fired it.

Devine then emailed Campbell with his report, recounting everything he had learned since his last communication to his boss.

A minute later his phone buzzed. It was Campbell.

“You’ve clearly stirred the hornet’s nest,” he said.

“Seems like it.”

“We have been monitoring chatter from the regions where Jenny operated.”


“It’s an interesting silence,” replied Campbell. “We would have expected more after an event like that.”

“As in trying too hard not to say something?”


“So are we leaning toward her murder being related to her job?”

“Not yet. The silence may be genuine.”

“Well, the crime scene was staged.”
