Page 163 of The Edge

Benjamin Bing didn’t rape Alex. He was just the cleanup guy.

He took out his phone and called Harper and told him about finding Guillaume.

“Oh my God!” said the police chief. “You think it was Ben who killed her?”

“I don’t know. But I think he was the person who shot at me and killed Jenny.”

“And Dak?”

“Another Bing. And that same Bing raped Alex.”

“But there’s only one—”

“I know.”

“I’ll be there in five minutes with a retrieval team.”

“I won’t be here.”

“Wait, why not?”

“My job is to find Alex. I haven’t finished that job yet.”

“Devine, wait—”

Devine had already ended the call and was running for the Harley.

Ten minutes later he pulled into the parking lot of the funeral home and saw two cars there. One was Guillaume’s big Bimmer. The other was a tan Jeep. The Jeep’s driver’s side door was unlocked. He checked the registration.

Fred Bing. Of course.

I’ve been looking at this whole case upside down and sideways.

The funeral home was, of course, dark at this hour. He could see or hear no one else in the vicinity. He tried the front door but it was securely locked.

He jogged around to the back and noted several outbuildings. Two were large garages where he assumed the hearses and other vehicles used by the funeral home were housed. And then there was the large crematorium facility at the very rear.

That’s when he heard a scream and then a gunshot and another scream. A cluster of more shots followed. All from the main building.

Devine started to combat-breathe as he ran back there.

He hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

But in his world it almost always did.

A moment later he got a text from Harper.

Guillaume strangled. Where the hell are you?

Devine put his phone away and kept right on walking.

There was a window that yielded to his ministrations with the Swiss Army knife he always carried. Fred Bing was in there. He hoped at least two other people were in there too. And that one of them was still alive.


He slid inside and knelt on the floor, then surveyed each end of the hallway he was in.

People had been born with all the necessary tools for survival in most situations. Senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. And amygdala glands that would stimulate your body to do amazing physical feats when threatened. And a brain that could figure out most things in order to keep you upright and breathing.