Page 145 of The Edge

“No problem. Do you even drive? I’ve just seen you on your bike.”

She looked out the windshield. “I never saw the point,” she replied.

He snatched a glance at her at the same moment she looked at him.

She then said, “Last night was wonderful.”

“Yes, it was.”

“I haven’t, that is to say, I...”

“I...I really wanted to be with you that night. I had to be with you. But, I’m afraid I might have taken advantage. You were in a vulnerable position.”

“If anything I took advantage ofyou, Travis. And so what? We’re human beings. Sometimes...sometimes, you just can’t help yourself.”

She turned away and they drove for a bit in silence as they headed inland.

He finally said, “I was watching a video of Wilbur Kingman’s funeral.”

She turned to him. “A video?”

“It was at Earl’s place. I don’t know where it came from. You were in it, along with pretty much everyone else in town.”

“It was all very sad. Wilbur was a good man.”

“Who wrecked his boat on a shoal he should never have hit?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Does anyone really know what happened out there?”

“Of course. Earl told us.”

“And now Earl’s dead.”

“Wilbur’s death was years ago. That can’t be connected to anything happening now.”

“I wish I was as sure of that as you are. Benjamin Bing was in the film. He was seated next to Earl. Bing was talking and Earl was listening, and he didn’t seem too happy about what was being said. They went off together. You know anything about that?”

“No, how could I?”

“I thought you might have seen or heard something. You walked out right after they did.” He paused to see if she might annotate his statement with what she might have been feeling that day, while in the vicinity of Benjamin Bing.

Like terror.

But she said nothing.

“Bing was in the military,” he said.

“Wait, he was?”

“You didn’t know that about him?”

“Um...maybe, I...I don’t remember. I just remember him as the police chief.”

“You remember nothing else about him?”

“Didn’t you ask me that before?” she said, a bite to her words.