Page 116 of The Edge

“I don’t think you would have, regardless of whether I was there or not.”

Alex looked up at him. “Why? Why do you say that?”

“Because you’re stronger than you think. Because you reached a tipping point, but didn’t go over the edge.”

“Why do you believe that was?”

“Because you have a lot more you want to accomplish in life.”

The look she gave him was soul-breaking, even for the hardened seen-all-the-bad-in-life former soldier.

“I’m really, really...screwed up, Travis.” Tears slid down her cheeks. “And I don’t know if I can ever get back to...where I started.”

He put down his cup, turned to her, and gently took ahold of her shoulders. “For the record, and I’m not just saying this, we are all screwed up, Alex. All of us, including me. It’s only a matter of degrees. What happened to you was horrifying and traumatizing and unfair as hell. None of it had anything to do with you and everything to do with the person who did it. So with that said, I’ll answer your question: Can you ever get back to where you started? The answer is no.”

She shivered and started to say something, but he put a finger to her lips.

“You will bebetter. You will be stronger. You will be able to take on far more than you ever thought possible. That’s the thing with life, Alex. It tests us, all the time. It wants to see how much we can take, before we crack.”

“You sound like you speak from experience,” she said in a hollow voice.

“The Army’s fundamental concept is based on breaking down every soldier to nothing, absolutely nothing. And then rebuilding that soldier in the version of the human fighting machine they want and need to do the job. I’m not saying it’s perfect or right or anything. I’m just saying that’s the deal. Only Ivolunteeredto be put through that transformation. What happened to you took place without your consent. But the end result can be similar. You come out of it changed. But you come out of it tougher, because you took the worst shit life can throw at you, and you’re still standing.”

“I don’t feel very tough right now.”

“You do your art, you teach kids, you get out of bed every day and go about life. You’re a caring and compassionate person with a huge heart when you have every reason not to be any of that. That’s an enormous victory, Alex, don’t let anyone ever tell you it’s not.” She looked unsure, but gripped his arm, and said, “I think I’m starting to remember some things...about that night.”

“I think you are, too,” he said softly.

“But it’s still not there yet. I can’t...I don’t know...who...” She looked at him miserably.

“There’s no rush on this, Alex, none at all. You take your time and just let it happen naturally, or as naturally as it can be.” He drew closer. “But look, one thing you can’t do is tell anyone that you’re starting to remember things, okay?”

She looked up at him, and he could tell Alex knew exactly what he was leaving unsaid, because Devine felt to say it out loud now might do damage to her, real damage. But he didn’t want anyone stopping her from fully remembering either. It was a tricky balance, and Devine was not confident in his ability to get it right.

“What did you remember?” He knew what she was going to say, because Annie Palmer had told him. But Devine wanted to hear Alex say it, if she remembered.

“That it was afriend. That it was someone I knew who...hurt me.” She kneaded a finger into the side of her head. “It’s right up here, Travis. The name. I know it is. If I could only make it come out.”

“Sometimes the harder you try to make something happen, particularly with your mind, the tougher it becomes to actually get to where you want to go. You will remember who it was, Alex. And when you do, you tell me, and then that person will be held accountable.”

“Do you really think he was the one who hurt Jenny?”

He hesitated, but he couldn’t bring himself to lie to the woman. Not now. Not in the precarious state she was in. “I think he was, yes.”

“When it happened, I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it. Believe that someone, anyone, could do that to...Jenny. She was so strong, so...”

“...invincible?” suggested Devine.

She looked up at him with her big, sad eyes. “Yes.”

“The thing is, Alex, none of us are invincible, not a single one of us. And that includes the person who hurt you and killed your sister. And when we find him, he will come to realize that clear as day. I give you my word on that.”

“I’ve never met anyone quite like you,” she said, a smile breaking through the gloom in her expression.

“I can say the same about you.”

She slowly wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head against his chest. “Thank you, Travis.”