Page 92 of The Edge

“Why involve him in the first place?” asked Campbell.

“I don’t believe Jenny was killed where she was found. I think she was taken there. And it wasn’t just any location. It was near the spot where Alex was found after she was raped.”

“So you think the attack on Alex and the murder of her sister are connected even though they took place fifteen years apart?”

“I’m beginning to. Otherwise, the locations are just too much of a coincidence, particularly if the place where she was found was staged. That means the killer intentionally picked it.”

“Wouldn’t most people up there know that was the spot where Alex was found?”

“No, I don’t think so. It was apparently hushed up. But I may still have a town full of suspects. Now, Jenny told her mother that she hadunfinished businessup here. And then I found out that she visited Alex and asked her if she remembered anything about that night. To my mind that means the unfinished business has to do with Alex’s rape.”

“Do you think Jenny had found out something?”

“Yes, I do. And maybe you could check with her colleagues at CIA to see if she said or did something there that might help us.” Campbell said, “You know, it’s possible that she could have used some of her government resources to do some sleuthing on her own.”

“From the sounds of it the lady was tenacious as hell.”

“You’re describing yourself, too.”

“It’s what the Army taught me, as you know. Speaking of, any luck on breaking through the seal on Dak’s military record?”

“Yes. He was found in bed with the wife of his CO.”

Devine said, “Okay, I can see why he got the OTH rather than a DD. The Army didn’t want everyone to know about a cuckolded superior officer.”

“But I don’t see how that helps you.”

“It tells me that Dak will take a big risk if the reward is large enough.”

“But it also shows a degree of recklessness,” noted Campbell.

“Which makes him unpredictable and more dangerous.”


“The mole?” asked Devine.

“We’re ninety percent through our audit.”

“Let me know when you finish, with or without an answer.”

“What are you going to do now?” Campbell asked.

“Take a nighttime tour of Putnam, Maine.”

“In the hopes of finding what?” asked Campbell.

“I’ll know it when I see it.”



DEVINE DROVE TO THE SPOTwhere one sister had been raped and the other one found murdered. He got out and walked around, while at the same time in his mind moving through the details he knew about Jenny’s murder. And speculating on what had happened to Alex here.

He thought about Jenny with a rifle aimed at her head. And of Alex when she realized what was about to happen to her. The twin images rocked him to his core, when Devine didn’t believe anything could anymore. He walked to the edge, and looked down at the rocks and then out at the ocean, which was rumbling and tumbling.

He had seen more violence and depravity in his life than most others had. To a degree it desensitized you to the stunning cruelty of which human beings were capable. Yet in other ways Devine found he was more empathetic than most. It might be because he had comforted, as best he could, colleagues and friends and family members who had lost loved ones. That didn’t just include fellow Americans, but soldiers from other countries, and civilians who had lost everything and everyone they cared about to war.