Page 68 of The Edge

“Take it up with a government shrink to get your head on straight,” snapped Mann. “Your statement?”

“Have you looped in Campbell?”

“We’re actually here at his behest. Your boss carries a lot of horsepower in our world.”

“I’m sure.”

He spent the next five minutes recounting everything from the moment of his abduction to his running out of the house only to find the tires shot out on the SUV. He did not tell them about spending the night at Alex Silkwell’s art studio.

“So where have you been since then?” asked Saxon, apparently reading Devine’s mind. “We checked here hours ago. You didn’t sleep in this room.”

“No. It didn’t appear to be a safe place.”

“So where did you go?”

“Somewhere else. And why does that matter to you? I’m alive, right, to tell you what happened. So why don’t you reciprocate by telling me who it was who snatched me?”

Mann looked at Saxon, who shrugged. He said, “We don’t know.”

“Bullshit,” said Devine.

“We got the bodies, sure. We have printed them and nothing came up on any database we put them into. We got their DNA and we’re running that, too, on priority, but so far, squat.”

Saxon said, “Not so surprising, Devine. They appear to be international muscle for hire. They might never have been arrested, at least in this country, or in any other country that reports to the international-bad-guy clouds we use. We’re circulating pictures in various places hoping for a hit.”

“No ID on them?”


“They had to get into the country somehow,” Devine pointed out. Saxon said, “They could have done it under aliases and then dumped the fake IDs. They clearly took into account that their mission could go sideways and brought nothing that we could use to trace them when they snatched you. We’re checking camera feeds at all major points of entry, but it’s slow going.”

“The SUV?”

“Rented under a shell company with a fake ID and stolen credit card that our tech people tell us was of the very first order.”

Mann fixed him with a pointed stare that had much behind it, Devine could tell.

“So the question becomes: Why target you?” Mann said.

“Have you talked to Campbell about that?”

“No, but we’re talking to you right now. We know about Jenny Silkwell. I actually worked on a joint task force with her back in the day.”

“Any leads on her murder?” interjected Saxon.

“I’ve only been working this case a short while.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“No leads.”

“You think these people were here to stop you investigating the Silkwell case?”

“Maybe, maybe not.”

“What other reason?” asked Mann.

“Take it up with Campbell. It’s not for me to say.”