“What the hell kind of question is that?” she said, her face flushing again and her thick eyebrows nearly touching.
“It’s just that, a question.”
“You found me sobbing my heart out at the inn.”
“I just don’t knowwhyyou were sobbing your heart out. You didn’t hang around.”
“Well, it was because of her. So now you know. Are we done?”
“Then why did you intimate that you would not be describing your sister to me as a person much loved by folks here?”
“I don’t remember saying that.”
Devine repeated back the account she had given him from the notes he had put in his iPhone.
“Does that jog your memory?”
“Okay, one last thing.”
“What?” she snapped.
“I’d like you to go with me to where your sister’s body was found.”
“Why would I do that?” she said slowly. “And why would youwantme to do that?”
“Because you know this area far better than I do. And you clearly possess something that might help me.”
“What, pray tell, is that?”
“An artist’s insight into the human soul.”
“I still don’t think I can help you,” she said, her tone and voice not nearly as assured.
“Let’s go find out.” He paused and added, “Please.”
HE RETRIEVED HIS RENTAL ANDdrove it to Jocelyn Point to pick her up. Then it wasn’t that far to the spot where Jenny Silkwell’s body had been found. They walked over the same cold, rugged ground that Jenny had presumably trod during her last night on earth.
Devine wanted to see Alex’s reaction to being here, because that might actually help him understand her better. And he thought he was going to have to do that in order to figure out what was really going on.
She had put on an overcoat and scarf and a ski cap pulled down low over her ears. The wind had picked up even more, and they watched as dark clouds gathered just off the coast.
“Looks like snow or sleet is coming,” said Devine.
“Let’s hope not,” she said.
“You don’t like the white stuff?”
“I teach my art class late this afternoon. I don’t want to miss it.”
She looked around as they walked across the field toward the forest and the wide path through it to the bluff overlooking the ocean.
And then something happened to Alex. She started to sway and then she cried out and Devine barely caught her before she slumped to the ground.