Page 31 of The Edge

“No, I didn’t even know she was in town.”

“She’s been described as a really good person.”

Before answering Palmer took a sip of coffee. “Yes, yes she was. Outgoing and friendly.”

“Not like her sister, then. You said you know Alex?”

Palmer scrunched up her nose for a moment before saying, bluntly, “If anyone says they really know Alex, you know what I would say?”


“That they’re lying to themselves.”

That might have been her most honest statement yet, thought Devine. “Interesting. Why do you say that?”

She shrugged. “She never really lets anyone get close.”

“And Dak?”

“What about him?”

“Good person?”

“I’m probably not the one to ask.” She rose. “Got cleanup duty now. The glamorous life of a small business owner.”

“I’d like to chat again, if that’s okay.”

She looked around at the four walls of the place, and her expression was not exactly one of unbridled joy. “Well, you know where to find me, pretty much every waking moment.”

He glanced at her hand and saw no ring there. “Husband? Kids?”

He knew this question was not particularly appropriate, but criminal investigations seldom were.

“Have a good day, Mr. Devine.”

Putnam was getting more interesting, and puzzling, by the minute.



DEVINE HANDED A CUP OFcoffee to Harper and one to Fuss when they arrived to search Jenny Silkwell’s cottage. He’d purchased the drinks before he’d left Maine Brew.

They thanked him, and then looked dumbstruck when he told them that he had discovered Alex Stilwell sobbing outside her sister’s cottage last night.

“What was she doing here?” asked Fuss.

“She didn’t say. I guess she was upset about what had happened to her sister.”

Harper took a drink of his coffee and nodded. “I suppose that makes sense.”

“She might have also wanted to get into the cottage,” offered Devine. He wanted to see how the officers responded to that possibility.

Fuss cocked her head at him. “What, to get a keepsake or something, you mean?”

“Or something,” said Devine delicately.

“You mean, attempting to knowingly procure evidence from a homicide victim’s last known place of residencebeforeit was processed by law enforcement?” said Harper like he was speaking in open court and striving to be absolutely precise with his language.