Page 21 of The Edge

“She’s usually home.”

“I need her phone number. I’d like to set something up.”

Dak gave it to him but added, “She doesn’t usually answer, particularly if she doesn’t know who’s calling.”

He handed Dak a card. “Here’s my number. Then you can tell her to answer when I call.”

“Alex doesn’t follow orders and usually not advice, either.”

“I’m persistent. I understand she’s quite an artist.”

“Says who?” asked Dak.

“So, she’s not a good artist?”

“No, she’s good. Better than good, actually. But her taste is... eclectic. And she only parts with a piece when she really needs the money.”

“Big house. You’d think she’d really need the money a lot.”

“I do well at the tattoo parlor. And I make good money off my investments. Okay, I’m not in Hiram Silkwell’s league. But give me time.”

“I saw your father,” Devine told him.

Now came the first hint of strong emotion on Dak’s expressive face. “He’s not doing well,” he said.

“You’re in the loop on all that?”

Dak nodded. “I’ve been down to see him. Go as often as I can. He say anything to you?”

“He wasn’t really awake.”

“They say he doesn’t have long.”

“A warrior deserves a better exit,” said Devine.

Dak tapped his surprisingly delicate fingers against his empty beer mug. They also looked to have been manicured. Devine looked down at his own ragged ones and frowned.

“Yeah, you’d think so, wouldn’t you?” replied Dak.

“You disagree?”

“His military days were pretty much over when I came along. But then he got into politics. He wasn’t around much.”

Devine decided to go there. “Butyousuited up. Wore the Army green.”

Dak eyed him. “Yeah, it was a lotta fun.” He dropped some cash for the beers and rose. “I’m beat. Gotta get going.”

“You need a lift?”

“Nah. Got my Harley. Love that thing.”

Devine watched him every step of the way. He was seriously thinking of following him home when he spotted three large men, pool sticks in hand, staring dead at him.

When Devine left, so did they. The sounds of what might have been Dak’s Harley soared off into the night, leaving him alone with his three new Maine besties.

Wonderful way to end a long unproductive day.