Page 134 of The Edge

“It’s a small town, Travis. Everyone knows your business. But why is this important?”

“Benjamin Bing hasn’t been seen in Florida in about two weeks.”

“So?” she said.

“So that means he could be up here.”

“Why would he be in Maine as opposed to Florida? In the winter?”

“He could have been up here when Jenny was killed, when I was shot at, and when Earl was killed.”

“Wait, you think Bing did those things?”

“It’s possible.”

“But what would be his motive? Why would he want to kill Jenny?”

“Jenny was up here on unfinished business.”

“But that was about what happened to me, so...” She paused, her eyes becoming rigid, her gaze fixed.

For one awful moment Devine thought she was going to have another episode.And part of me hopes she does and names Benjamin Bing as her rapist.

“You actually think Benjamin Bing attacked me?” said Alex incredulously.

Devine looked around at the other patrons and said, “Let’s keep it between us, okay? No need to let others in on this.”

“I’m...I’m sorry. I just can’t comprehend what you’re saying.”

“Look, it wouldn’t be the first time a cop went bad. And he chases down and beats up your boyfriend? What are the odds? And then your rape kit goes missing? He would have had unfettered access to that. And then the Palmers? What if they saw him fleeing a minute before they found you?”

“There’s no proof of that.”

“Actually, there is. Or at least the Palmers seeing someone that night.” He went on to explain to Alex about Jenny having pulled the satellite footage showing the car, and Steve and Valerie Palmer crossing paths with another car right around the time of the attack on her.

“But then why didn’t they report it?” she said, looking distraught.

“They were having money problems. Maybe they were putting the squeeze on him. Frederic Bing Sr. was an early disciple of Warren Buffett. They could afford to pay so their good name would not be dragged through the mud. And Benjamin was the police chief. The Palmers might have been afraid to go up against him. And they had no real proof. But then Jenny comes up here looking for the truth and he gets wind of it? He has to nip that in the bud.”

“That sounds very far-fetched. And what about Earl? You said someone killed him. What possible reason would Benjamin Bing have to kill Earl?”

“Because he got Earl to pretend to find your sister’s body, and was probably afraid he would have a change of heart.”

She looked gobsmacked. “How would he get Earl to lie about finding Jenny’s body?”

“That one I haven’t figured out yet,” Devine conceded. “But you remember nothing else with Bing? Nothing that would show he might have been infatuated with you?”

“No, that’s gross. He’s my father’s age.”

“He was only forty-five when you were attacked.”

“I wasn’t even sixteen!” she said heatedly, drawing stares from some of the customers.

“I don’t want to believe he was interested in you that way.” He gripped her hand. “But if he was, Alex, it was his issue, not yours.”

“ButI’mthe one suffering.”

“Yes, you are,” said Devine. “But I will help you in any way I can, to get through this.”