Page 113 of The Edge

“Should you call 911?” snapped Devine.

“She’s not sick or injured or anything. She’s just...mentally, something is going on. Please, can you come?”

“I’m leaving right now. Where’s Dak?”

“I have no idea. I checked, he’s not asleep in his room. And his bike isn’t here. He’s probably out getting drunk and screwing somebody. Please hurry!” she implored.

He drove his SUV as fast as he could while still maintaining control. It was freezing inside with the back window shot out, and the crack in the windshield was spreading. He cranked the heat up high and tried to ignore the chill.

He slid to a stop in front of Jocelyn Point, jumped out, and double-timed it to the front door.

Palmer was waiting for him there.

“Where is she?” said Devine.

“In her room.”

She led him up the stairs and tried to open the door but it wouldn’t budge. She looked fearfully at Devine. “I left it unlocked.”

Devine pushed past her and rapped on the wood. “Hey, Alex, it’s Travis. You in there? You okay?”

There was no answer but Devine could hear an odd sound coming from inside the room.

“I just want to talk, okay? I’ve got some things to tell you. Stuff I found out. Open the door, okay?”

There was no response.

Devine put his ear to the door and listened for a few moments, while Palmer stood there frozen, her eyes filling with tears.

“Alex!” barked Devine.

“ you think...” began Palmer, but Devine wasn’t listening.

He stepped back a few feet and then charged forward, throwing his bulk against the door. It burst open and he was inside the room. He scanned every inch and saw that the window was open and the drapes were flapping in the wind. That must have been the sound he’d heard. He raced to the window and looked down, his heartbeat thumping in his ears.

Please, God, no. No.

She wasn’t down there. He breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at Palmer, who was standing next to him.

“Was she here when you came down to answer the door?”

“Yes, she was lying all curled up in the bed.”

“Her bathroom?”

“Down this way.”

They rushed out into the hall when they both heard a noise. Overhead.

“What is that?” asked Palmer in a hushed tone.

Devine looked up at the ceiling. And then it dawned on him.

“Oh my God!”

“What? What’s wrong?” cried out Palmer as Devine rushed to the stairs and ran pell-mell up them. “Where are you going?” she called out, running after him.

Devine burst through the door leading outside and then pulled up abruptly.