Page 101 of The Edge

“Who told you that?”

“Is it true?” demanded Harper.

“I stayed in her art studio that night. I thought it would be safer than my place since someone has tried to kill me twice, including once there!”

“You stayed there with her permission?” said Harper impassively.

“She found out about it afterward.”

“So you broke in?”

Devine slammed his fist down on the table. “Are you really going downthatroad?”

“Breaking and entering is a crime, Devine,” Harper said calmly.

Devine struggled to get his temper under control, but the smug look on Harper’s face made it easier. And he’d been grilled by the best of Army CID agents.

“She approved of what I did after the fact, so I don’t see what the problem is. And I thought you were trying to nail me on stealing her rape kit?”

“Why does it have to be just one crime?”

“I’ve committed no crime.”

“Why did you want to look at that evidence file?”

“Because I think whoever killed Jenny also attacked Alex fifteen years ago. I already suggested that theory to you.”

“I don’t agree.”

“You don’t have to. But you didn’t have to drag me in here on some trumped-up charge.”

“The rape kit is missing.”

“Yeah, I know. It was missing when I opened the box. Mildred James knows that, too.”

“No, she looked at the boxafteryou told her it was missing.”

“Why would I take it?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”

“Why didyoulook at the box ten years ago? You were the last one to sign it out before I came along.”

“I’masking the questions here, not you!”

Now Harper was struggling to get his temper under control while Devine gazed at him placidly.

“Answer my question,” demanded Harper.

“I already did. I didn’t take it, so I can’t have a reason why I did. But I am puzzled.”

“About what?”

“Did you have doubts about the case? Did you wonder why it was never solved? Did you wonder why there was never a suspect to match the forensics to?”

“You’re not listening, Devine.”

“Didyoutake the rape kit?”