Page 100 of The Edge

“She didn’t know where it happened, untilveryrecently. And now that spot will also always be the place where Jenny’s body was found. Don’t you find that curious? All the possible locations to leave Jenny’s body, and they chosethatone?”

“I don’t know what to think about that. Itdoesseem weird, but hell, life is weird.”

“I need something more definite than that.”

Dak rose. “Well, good luck on that. I’ve got to get back to making money.”

Outside, Devine found Harper and Fuss waiting next to his SUV. Their expressions were tight, focused, and grim, none of which he cared for, not a single one.

“What’s up?” he asked, half expecting them to say that someone else was dead.

Harper nodded at Fuss, who slowly took out her cuffs and said, “Travis Devine, you’re under arrest. You have the right to remain silent.”

“What?” said a startled Devine, who took a step back.

“Anything you say can and may be used in evidence against you in a court of law.”

Devine took another step back. “What the hell is going on here?”

Harper said, “Do not resist, Devine, it’ll only make it worse.”

“What am I being arrested for, exactly?”

“On suspicion of theft of police evidence,” replied Harper.

“What evidence?”

“Alex Silkwell’s rape kit.”


Harper put his hand on top of his baton. “Do not be stupid. I do not want to hurt you.”

Devine almost laughed at that one.

Fuss seemed to read his mind and said nervously, “Look, I know you could kill both of us with just your pinkie, but we’re only doing our job.”

Devine glared at Harper as he slowly put his hands behind his back. Fuss cuffed him while she finished the Miranda warning. “You’re making a big mistake,” Devine said to Harper.

“Just doing my job.”

“And I’ll do mine,” retorted Devine. “And then maybe you’ll be the one with the cuffs on.”



THE TWO MEN STARED ATeach other over the width of a table in the small interview room of the police station. A Bell and Howell surveillance camera that looked to be from the 1980s hung in the corner like a deflated party balloon.

Harper looked both cagey and pensive as he turned on a recorder and stated the date, time, and the identities of the two parties in the room.

Devine said, “Why are you doing this?”

“Are you having a relationship with Alex Silkwell?”

“What does that even mean?”

“I understand that you slept at her place one night, the night you were attacked.”