Harmony does so much for us and I’m sure Jasper was only recognizing that. I need to appreciate what she does for me.
“I’m so thankful that you’re here, Harmony. I’m sorry that I don’t appreciate you more.”
She stills. “Thanks and you’re welcome. You know, I never really had a purpose in my life before coming here to help you. Not that I ever thought Parker would die, but being here, well, I think I know what I want to do with my life now.”
I wrap an arm around her and Nyck starts opening his second gift. “What’s that?”
“A nanny.”
“You are a nanny.”
She rolls her eyes. “I know but like for someone else. Nyck’s going to be old enough to be home by himself soon and… well, someone else might be here,” she whispers.
I pull her close. “I don’t know, but I can adjust my schedule this next year and be home more.”
“I love being here, but… I think it’s time for me to grow up, Sonnet.”
“You are grown up. Maybe I need to grow up a little, too.”
Nyck lifts the next gift, a baseball glove. “Jasper used to play for the Rockies. Isn’t that cool, Mom?”
That was that picture.
The last gift is a gaming console with paid online gaming, only the PG games, so he’s disappointed, but I appreciate Jasper thinking of that. And there’s a note that I can unlock others that Jasper will share a code with me.
“I like Jasper. I can’t wait to play some ball with him.” He punches the mitt into his palm and then shakes his hand like it hurt.
My heart sinks. Not only did I fall for Jasper Welsh, but so did Nyck. A man who could not only be a great partner for me, but a great role model for Nyck.
I lean over to Harmony. “I… I think I made a mistake.”
“Apologies are part of loving someone.” She really has matured lately. And her volume is less than Mars, more like kid in a candy store when she opens her second gift – a massage and facial. The man knows when someone needs a change in their life.
“Mom! Mom! Open yours from Jasper!” Nyck points to my gifts.
I lift the box over the envelope. I tear into it, getting into the spirit. It’s a beautiful necklace with a snowflake on it. A small note inside says,Here’s to more sleigh rides in snowflakes.
I shove the note in the box so they can’t see it and hold it up. “It’s a necklace.” I smile thinking of that night. He brought something out of me.
“Beautiful,” Harmony offers and Nyck’s nose crinkles.
“Jewelry… girls, so weird.”
I laugh.
The next is an envelope. It’s unassuming, just my name hand-written on the outside. Inside there’s a Christmas card and out falls a piece of paper. I pick up and read out loud, hoping it’s PG.
“One million dollars has been donated to the Downtown Denver Homeless Shelter in honor of Parker Michaels.”
The blood drains from my arms.
“Oh, Sonnet,” Harmony says her lips rolling in.
My eyes water and I fight to keep the tears from falling over the bottom edge.
“A million dollars?” Nyck’s mouth drops open. “Is he Batman?”