Page 17 of Rescued By Santa

“You okay?” she asks as if I’m giving the signal that something’s wrong.

I stop wringing the steering wheel and instead wring the back of my neck. “I… I just want this to be perfect. You deserve perfect. Youhadperfect. What if I’m not—”

She turns my face to her. “Nothingis perfect, Jasper. Maybe I thought what I had was perfect, but it disappeared and that’s the way it is. Let’s go for delightfully surprised and maybe a type of perfect that’s perfect for us will happen?”

Her hands dig into my hair, pulling the strands just enough to send a zing to my cock.

“I like surprises,” I say against her lips.

Her lips hit mine and I’m not sure where she begins and where I end now. It’s hard to imagine we aren’t one complete being now.

Her tongue tickles my lips and I open. The way she kisses is like she’s giving me part of herself and yet asking me for a part of myself. She’s not demanding, but she is urgently telling me what she wants and if we don’t’ get to my place I’m afraid that I’ll have an accident fit for a teenager. I open an eye and see Harmony staring out the front window at us with a wide smile.

Her hand sneaks across my thigh and cups my growing cock. She sucks in a breath. “Wow. Now that’s a big surprise.”

I laugh.

“I love your laugh,” she says.

And I think I love you.

* * *

Twenty minuteslater we’re inside my apartment and her eyes can’t stop darting in every new room.

“I think I forgot that you are rich.”

I don’t hate that it’s not the first thing she thinks about me.

“There’s good and bad to having money,” I reply, hanging up our coats.

“All I can think of is the good.”

“The bad ones are few, thankfully, but they leave a lasting impression.”

I grab a decanter of bourbon and hold it up. I need to take the edge off. And the edge is sharp when the flood of memories of past relationships gone wrong trickles into the present. Sonnet seems different. But some of the others did, too.

I try to tell myself to trust my gut. It’s never failed me in building a multi-million-dollar business, why would it fail me now?

She nods to accept the offer. “I don’t think condo living would be for me.”

“And honestly, it’s not really me either. I bought this to be close to work, but now that I’m more hands off, I’ve been thinking about getting a house. Something in the burbs.”

She smiles, that brilliant wide and white highlighted by her luscious pink lips. “Sounds like a good plan.”

I look back after I pour two fingers for each of us. “Your house is pretty perfect for three people, right?”

“It is. I’ve been considering getting something a little bigger and a little farther out from Denver.”

“Like a cabin in the mountains?”

“Just on the edge.” She grabs the tumbler from my hand and when our fingers cross, a quick electric zip rockets through my hand and into my chest.

“I bet Nyck would love that.”

“I think the house reminds him of his father and I wonder if that’s a good or bad thing.”

“Two sides to every coin, right?”