Page 15 of Rescued By Santa

His lips meet mine to shut me up. And it’s rather effective. I lose all care about what the gift was, only what’s happening at the end of my lips. The man has more than business acumen, he has some extra talents.

He pulls back, pecks my nose, and when we turn, Nyck and Harmony are both smiling at us.


“Hot chocolate anyone?” I say with a breathiness that I can’t hide.

Harmony cackles, “Sure.”

“Please!” Nyck says before tearing open the robot box.

“Yes, please,” Jasper adds. “I’ll help.”

“I bet you will,” Harmony says under her breath.

I mouth, “Stop it!” to her and she rolls her eyes defiantly.

In the kitchen, Jasper leans back against the counter, his long legs crossed and his blue sweater emphasizing his amber brown eyes.

“How are you doing…really?” he asks before grabbing a cookie off a plate next time him and taking a big bite.

I try not to sigh, but there’s no hiding from him that I’m in a little funk.

I still, coffee mug in my hand. “Putting up the tree is always a hard day. It reminds me of Parker. He loved the holidays and put up so many decorations. I felt like we were inside of a holiday store.” I try to smile at the memory, but some recollections just weigh me down.

He reaches out a hand to snatch my waist and move me in front of him, pulling me to his chest. He lets me be there, but the milk simmers quickly on the stove, calling to me. I lean back not wanting to part from the comfort.

He doesn’t let me go, and it catches my attention. “You don’t have to forget him to find happiness again.”

“I know. It’s just… can I havethathappiness again? It seemed perfect and I’m worried I only get one shot at how amazing that was.”

He lowers his head and I pop to my toes to meet him. It’s a longer distance than when I was seated next to him last night. The kiss is gentle to start, but soon, his tongue trickles a long line on the split of my lips, and I open to tangle our tongues like two ribbons winding into each other.

After we part, he presses his forehead to mine. “I think you can be happy Sonnet, and I think we can be happy together.”

My heart leaps into my throat. It’s a wonderful sentiment and I truly want to believe him.

“Even Santa might not be able to fulfill that wish, Jasper.”

Our tender moment is broken when we hear commotion in the other room.

“Help!” Harmony calls from the living room and we both go to the doorway to find her tangled up in the tree lights.

“I’ll get this,” Jasper says with a shake of his head.

“And I’ll get the hot chocolate.”

* * *

The final toucheshave been made. The house is dappled in crimson red and holly green with splashes of gold and silver. Classic and simple. Less than Parker would have done, but more than I thought I’d ever do again. It seems like a new chapter is starting.

Nyck and Jasper put the robot together and then spent hours torturing Harmony with it. Apparently, it can mimic someone’s voice using AI. Ultra-creepy but mostly amusing. Eventually Harmony invited Nyck to watch a movie in the den and Jasper and I stand in front of the decorated ten-foot tree.

“It’s beautiful, Sonnet.”

“Thanks. I bought a new star for the top. Wanna do the honors?”

His hand slips behind my neck and kneads the tired muscles. “It’s your home. I’ll be back up.”