What the hell is this?
I look at the second page and there’s a bill for a private investigator.
My heart crashes to my stomach.
Why would Jasper need to find out so much about me? And did he do it before he did the Santa visit? Does he prey on lonely widows?
My head starts to spin, and my thoughts roll out of control.
Everything… my whole life in two pages.
Is he a stalker? A past patient gone unhinged? That happens.
No, it can’t be. I saw the awards in the hallway for his philanthropy. He’s not a bad guy, but why the need to find out if I’m a bad person?
He’s Jasper Walsh. He’s earned every40 Under 40awards out there—most eligible, most successful, most charming, most desirable. I know this not from hiring someone, but from reading the paper.
My life doesn’t appear in the paper. Well, parts have. Parker’s death was front page news.
“Man Dies of Aneurysm While Serving the Homeless,” the title of the paper etched indelibly in my mind.
There were no signs, like usually happens. The aneurysm was instant and heartbreaking. I still remember my friend telling me that Parker was being brought in by ambulance. I thought maybe he fell. Maybe a car accident and was bruised up, just a precaution, but when the ambulance arrived without sirens, I knew.
There was no hurry to get into the ER because he was already gone. They were just giving me time to say goodbye before taking him to the county coroner’s office.
I hear feet padding down the hallway wood floor. Jasper comes out in his boxers, his body is amazing for a nearing fifty man, and he stops when he sees me in his shirt. I can see the wheels spinning, but when he sees my face, he stills.
“What’s wrong?”
I hold up the report. “What’s this?”
He wipes the sleep from his eyes.
My hand shakes as I hold the papers out to him. He takes them and his eyes close as soon as he reads the title.
“What is that, Jasper?”
He sighs and sets it on the table. “Sonnet, most women want me for one thing. I had to make sure that—”
“That I wouldn’t… steal from you?”
He huffs slowly. “Kinda… wait, no!”
I’m on my feet and now he can see my assets hanging out as I near him.
He continues, “I need to know that you wouldn’t use me. Wait, that’s not right, either.”
“Then what is it? Did I need to look good enough on paper to date you? That I was acceptable based on my bank account. Well, here’s news that wasn’t in there. About three-fourths of that is Parker’s life insurance and it’s slated to go to Nyck for college and his future, so what do you think now? Am I good enough?”
His face is pale, the normal tinge of tan gone.
“I’ve had several women use me for my money. I had to protect my interests.”
“That’s not me, Jasper. And now, I’m not sure I’m interested in being with someone who can’t trust me. You know, I decided not to protect my heart and I thought you were the real thing. I dropped my guard, but now it all feels fake. Fake Santa and… fake love.”
A tear tracks down my face, cold and lonely.
I start off for the bedroom.