Page 15 of Twisted Surrender

He moves papers aside and leans his thigh on my desk, his rapt attention falling on me. I feel like a perp, sitting in the interrogation room with a spotlight on me.

“Is this how you get your criminals to talk?” I turn away from him and stare at the report on my computer screen, not seeing one word.

“Good cop, bad cop, right? We all know Tom’s attitude automatically makes him the bad guy, so I’m assuming my role. Now, tell me.” He grabs the back of my chair and spins me to face him. At the same time, I catch red hair and a body that I now know way too well, passing by the window of my office. I’m transfixed by the way her hips swing as she walks. The way her ass is shaped in those jeans. The way it felt in my hand, and against my cock as she straddled me and drove me crazy riding me, teasing me.

As if she knows I’m watching her, she slows her gait and looks over her shoulder. Our eyes connect and every touch, every caress, every thrust comes barrelling to the forefront of my mind. I want to run from my office, grab her, and wrap her up in my arms. I want to take her to my home, give her everything she could want. Show her how I could love her right. Let her teach me to be loved back.

As if she can hear my thoughts, the slightest smirk appears, and she winks before continuing to her desk.

“No. Fucking. Way.”

Cash’s voice pulls me from my Tarzan attitude. Glancing back at him, he’s staring at me with a look of amazement.

My heart races.

He knows.

Deny. Deny. Deny.

“Whatever you’re thinking, you’re wrong.”

He tap dances around my office, giddy with excitement. “I’m not wrong. Oh my God! I’m not wrong! You nailed Daisy!”

Jumping from my chair, I have Cash’s arm twisted up behind him, with my left hand around his neck, his back pulled tight against my front before he can say another word. “Don’t talk about her like that.” I growl out into his ear.

His chest bounces with laughter, and it only enrages me more. When his body goes lax, I release him, giving him a shove away from me. He turns, straightening his uniform and has a shit-eating grin drawn across his face.

“Chief, I’m impressed. First, that you can still move that fast.” He shakes out his arm. “Damn, I’d hate to come across you in a dark alley. And second, I mean, you’re a good-looking guy and all, but I didn’t realize you had it likethat.”He whistles. “Pulling a younger woman? Whew, that’s some shit. What do they call male cougars? Oh! Are you her Daddy?” He busts out laughing and claps his hands like a little kid. “Chief Daddy? Or the dirty boss? Oh my God! Do you role-”

“Cash! Shut the fuck up!” I snap at him and quickly pull the shades, realizing anyone could have just seen me jack him up. “Just keep quiet. Don’t say anything to her. Don’t say anything to Tom. Just don’t say anything.”

He puts his hands up in defense. “Bro, I told you something was up. I’m all for this. You were smiling today. Sm-il-ing.” He claps at each new consonant, drawing out the word.

I was pretty happy.

Shaking my head. “Cash. It’s not right. I’m her boss. She’s my daughter’s best friend. And need I remind you I’m old enough to be her father, for Christ's sake!”

“You like her.”

“Of course I like-”

“No, youlikelike her. It explains why you wanted me to pick her up when she didn’t have her car. And take care of the locks at her house. Bro, what’s she doing living on the other side of town, anyway?”

“Don’t get me started,” I grumble. “But you know with these strings of break-ins, I’m dying a slow death knowing she’s alone at night.” I take a breath and drop my head. “And it doesn’t matter if I like her. It was a minor indiscretion that can’t happen again. It won’t happen again.”

There’s a knock on the door. I nod my head and give him the okay to open it. On the other side of the door is the woman I can’t stop dreaming about. And she’s about to cross that proverbial dotted line into my world of twisted danger.

“You sure about that?” He asks quietly, then clears his throat. “I’m going to grab another cup of coffee before the illustrious Casanova makes an appearance.” He claps me on the shoulder, acknowledges Daisy and walks out the door, shutting it behind him.

The click makes me jump, making me realize I’m alone with her again. Last time that led to a dangerous game.

But I want to play again.



Waking up to a dozen text messages, all from Angelina, my body is sore, but in all the good ways. Recalling the way Vincent handled me last night has me hot all over again. The way his hands skimmed lightly, then grabbed hold of me, was incredible. He changed up every touch, and I never knew what was coming. I don’t know what I was expecting from him, but I knew whatever he gave out was going to be good. It had to be. Just watching him swagger around the office, stand tall with his hands on his hips, even making coffee, he shows power. The way he delicately fiddles with the buttons on the coffeemaker and then grips his coffee mug with large hands. I knew he’d be an expert in the touch department.