Page 11 of Twisted Surrender

“I do. I like red, though. Do you have something I might like, Chief?” Her innuendo isn’t lost on me and I watch as Angelina snickers and elbows her.

“Your daughter only drinks white and she could never convert me.” She pulls out a chair and sits next to Angelina.

“No class, this one.” They tease one other and I smile at their loving nature together, but my mind races at the same time. This is exactly why I can’t start anything with Daisy. My daughter would be crushed if something went wrong. And I’d never want to come between their friendship.

But how can she be so blatant right in front of Angelina?

Coming back with a bottle of red and one more glass, I place it on the table. My daughter has already poured the white, so I pour myself and Daisy a glass of red. Handing it to her, she tilts her head and holds the glass out, expectantly waiting for me to tap it with mine.

“Cheers.” I nod and we both sip, her eyes never leaving mine.

Fire races up my spine. And it’s not just the red wine racing through my blood.

“So, how’s your love life?”

I choke on my swallow, using my napkin to cover my mouth.

“She’s talking to me, Dad.” Angelina rolls her eyes and I shake my head.

“I know. It just went down the wrong pipe.” Reaching for some food, I pass it around the table to the girls first. “How is jerk? I mean, Jack, anyway?” I smirk and Daisy laughs out loud.

“Oh, Chief, you have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that.”

“Oh great, are you both going to gang up on me now?” Angelina whines and continues shoveling food into her mouth.

“I mean, whatever it takes to get you to dump that loser I’m in for.” Daisy winks at me, and I grin.

“Same. I don’t know why you’re wasting your time. I met the idiot once, and that’s all it took for me to know you can do so much better. Dating a goat would be light years ahead of this guy.”

Angelina sighs, loudly. “Then you’ll both be happy to know that I dumped him last night.”

Daisy throws her hands up in the air, head back, laughing and cheering. It’s the most glorious sight I’ve ever seen. Her shirt rises, flashing a piercing in her belly button that I’d love to play with,with my tongue, and her tits bounce with each shake of her hands and laugh she lets out. Her smile is wide and when she leans over and hugs my daughter, her ass in those jeans is out of this world.

I have to adjust myself and grab my napkin to place on my lap. Never have I responded to a woman like this.

Is age really just a number? Could I do this?


I’m not good enough for Daisy. I don’t deserve to have such a fun loving woman. She deserves more than an old, closed off police officer. But if anyone could make me surrender to this lust coursing through my body, I bet it’d be her.

* * *

We had dessert, cleaned up the table and now I’m packing leftovers for Angelina to take home. As the night went on, I realized there was so much more to Daisy than just her looks. Her mind is amazing. Her intuition is spot on, which I already knew from our brief car ride the other day. But she feels like an old soul. For being young, she’s got depth to her and when she explained how she loves this dispatch job, I realized she’s not looking to run like I was at that age. She’s looking to put down roots. I just wish those roots weren’t in a death trap of a house. If I was to bring it up again, I have a feeling she’d fight me on that tooth and nail, though.

But those thoughts scare me. I haven’t even touched this woman yet and I’m imagining all kinds of scenarios with her.

“Thanks, Dad, this was great. Make sure you save enough to take with you to the station tomorrow.”

“I’ve already packed him some right here.” Daisy shakes the tupperware container she’s holding and sticks it in the fridge.

“Thank you, Daisy.”

“You’re welcome, boss. Can’t have you hungry at the station. You’re already grumpy enough when Cash and Tom start their shit.”

“Ooh, Cash!” Angelina does a little dance. “He’s my favorite cop down at the station!”

I pull up short. “What? What do you mean your favorite cop? What am I?”