Page 44 of Twisted Surrender

“We’ve got a suspect in the house. We’ll question him and see what we can get. In the meantime, I just sent O’Brien and Casanova to patrol. Let me know your crews and where they’re heading. I’m going to call over to surrounding stations and we’ll up our patrols on all sides.”

“Thanks, Vince. I appreciate your help.” He pauses. “Where’s your daughter live?”

“She’s back from college, living in a small ranch Bobby Gallagher got her. Right off Gum Drop Lane.”

“We’ll step up patrols around her block.”

“Thanks, Dave. My own guys are doing the same. I owe you.”

He laughs. “When we catch these assholes, we’ll get a drink together. Hey, when’s your Christmas soiree?”

I chuckle into the phone. “I feel like I need that drink now! But the party is this Friday. Bring your guys and come on down. I’ve already got other stations on call to cover us.”

“Sounds good, Chief. See you then.”

I hang up the phone and a weird thought crosses my mind.How does Cash know where my daughter lives?Before I can ponder further on it, I catch a glimpse of Daisy walking by the office, heading to her desk to sit down. It’s only been a few hours, but I’m battling with myself to let her do this house thing alone. She agreed to move in, but was that just the heat of the moment's words? I need to remind her what she promised. I know she’s young and deserves to try things on her own, but not while there is danger. And not while I have the opportunity to do something about it.

Cash and Tom say to leave her to do it on her own, that I’ll only drive her away if I keep butting in. But they don’t get it. Ihaveto take care of her.

She turns in her chair, and we lock eyes. She gives a smile and a quick ‘kiss’ action with her lips. I feel mine pull into a straight line. I nod at her and her eyes get small. She’s assessing me. Watching as she gets up from her desk, those soft legs that were wrapped around my ears just a few hours earlier, carry her closer to me. I meet her at the door, looking out over the station.

“Chief. I heard what’s going on. Everything okay?”

I put my hands on my hips and look her in the eye. “You need to stay with me until we catch these guys.”

Slam!A wall between us goes up instantly and the room swirls with tension. I don’t care though. How can she be mad when I’m just doing my job?

She crosses her arms, and we have a standoff. “I said I’d move in with you Vince, but not yet. I want to finish my house. Then maybe we can rent it out and I’ll move in with you then. How does that sound?”



“Whoa! Hands off, Officer! I’ll sue you for roughing me up! Go ahead, leave one mark! I dare you!” We’re both drawn to the attention of the guy being walked through to the back holding cell. As his eyes meet mine, he slows. Then his eyes drag to Daisy and he smiles and stops. An eyebrow goes up and he blatantly looks her up and down. “Well, well. She can rough house me all she wants. Damn, baby, you’d look good wrapped around my face!”

“Hey!” I bark out. “Watch your mouth!”

He laughs. “Ooh, is someone jealous?” He looks closer at my face, then at the sign on my office door. “Chief? You’re Chief Hunter?”

My skin crawls and Daisy steps closer. It’s instinctual, but she’s just caught this guy’s attention even more so.

“Get him to the back!”

“No, I want you. Come talk to me, Chief.”

I hold his stare, and his smile returns before glancing at Daisy again. My officer pushes him. “Come on, move it.”

We watch him go and the station picks back up. My blood is boiling at the disrespect of this guy, but even more so at the fact my girl still wants to fight me about her lack of understanding the danger surrounding her. I’ve surrendered my feelings. Why won’t she give in to me on this?

“Do you understand now, Daisy? It’s nonnegotiable. I want you in my home tonight. When I asked you, I didn’t mean a month from now. Or five months from now. Or however long it will take for you to drag your feet on that deathtrap you bought. I want you now.”

“I’m not ready now.”

“But I am.”

She laughs and waves her hands around. “Oh, well, okay then. You’re ready now, so I have to catch up? Leave everything I’ve worked for because Daddy told me to come home?” She pops a hip and then tightens her arms across her chest once again. A glaring look that screams, ‘don’t push me.’

“I’m not your Daddy.” I growl out the words and move closer to her.