Page 35 of Twisted Surrender

“Not just the windows! That house she bought. It’s not safe. The area is shit. I wouldn’t want you living there alone, so I definitely don’t want her there.”

She tsks me and leans back in her chair. “Be careful how you approach that. She’s very proud that she bought that house on her own. You know, every summer she went home and worked her ass off to buy her own stuff. Her parents gave in to the idea she needed a job, but then they harassed her about working too much. It’s why she didn’t want to go back home after college. That’s why she settled here.”

“Tell me she’s got daddy issues.”

She laughs. “No, but that’s just what I said. She was sick of being told how to live and having people control her life, so she made sure she could survive on her own. If it was up to her parents, they’d still have her under their roof, washing her laundry. And if they realized what her job actually entails, they’d hate that, too.”

“What do you mean?”

“The calls she gets. Yes, she’s the voice on the other end of a desperate situation, ready to help others, but she’s also hearing the worst of humanity at times.”

Taking a breath, I never thought of it like that. God, Daisy is even more amazing with every new thing I learn about her. I’ve been on the other end of some terrible calls, and hearing the fear from someone else is possibly one of the worst feelings to have.

“She got one of those break-in calls the other night. She told me it shook her up.”

I search my memory. I remember the call, but it had already happened. The homeowner came home and found their house broken into. “The criminals weren’t there when they got home, though.”

“I know. She told me that, but she said the woman was scared to death that they’d return. She said she never wants to live with that type of fear.”

I sit with this information. I’m proud of her for taking control of her life. Breaking free from something she wasn’t happy with, but I can’t help but feel like she’s searching for a thrill to make up for the peace she had growing up. “I don’t want her there, Ang. And it makes me nervous that you go there, too.”

“I agree with you, but she won’t give in. She knows how to handle herself.”

I think of her being so young and having the balls to move to a new city. And then I picture myself with her.

“She shouldn’t have to do it alone. I want to be that guy for her.”

A big smile consumes her face. “Dad! You’re in love!”

I watch her bounce in her chair. “Angelina. I think you’re getting ahead of yourself here.”

She puts up her hand. “Okay, I’ll dial down the love issue. But I have no problem calling my best friend mom, just so you know.” She smirks and I choke on my beer.

“Oh, my sweet, sweet daughter. What would I do without you?”

“Not have a girlfriend, for one.”

“Touche.” We cheers and tap our glasses together, but now that it was spoken out loud, the “L” word dances through my mind, taunting me.



I’ve been invited to the Casanovas for Sunday dinner. Correction,wehave been invited. Apparently, Sunday dinners are open doors at that house. But Janet Casanova made a special call to Vince. So, there was no getting out of it this week.

And honestly? I’m excited about going. I want to meet the people that have been a family to Vince and Angelina. If Vince and I are going to make a go of this, well, then I’m going to have to dive right in with this over the top family.

Walking in, the chaos starts immediately. Billy Casanova is his own sitcom and when all the brothers are together, it turns into a late night television show. Add in Jackson Gage, who is the Christmas Comets High School Football Coach and Bobby Gallagher, who owns Get Shacked Up Realty, and it’s a damn R-rated movie.

Bobby is the one Vince told me to see about finding a home in Christmas. The thought has crossed my mind to list my home with him, try to sell it and buy closer to the station. One, I could be closer to Vince and Angelina. Two, be in the town I originally wanted. But I’m not ready to let go of my dream yet. The house needs a ton of work, but it’s mine. And I want to see it through.

The wives of these crazy men grabbed my arm the moment we appeared in the backyard. Vince squeezed my hand and told me good luck because you never know what’s going to come out of their mouths.

Circling around by the fire pit, the girls all gather in close like they’ve got a secret. I already know Farrah, who is Tom’s girlfriend and Adley, who is Billy’s girlfriend. They’ve been to the station a few times, but I’ve only met the other women in passing. They’ve all been sweet to me, but tonight feels like an interrogation.

“Stop acting like you’re not interested. We all see the way you look at him.” Britt Gallagher dives right in.

I throw my hands up. “And how do I look at him?”