Page 27 of Twisted Surrender

Hearing him call me his, has me pausing for a split second. But then I’m reminded that he’s trying to control. Wanting to do nice things for me and doing them behind my back are two different items.

“You’re wrong for not talking to me about it. And you know it.”

“Come home with me. Let’s talk there.”

I almost fall for it. His words say one thing, but his eyes say another. He’s trying to get me in his home where he can control the surroundings. Yes, he wants me for me. And I one hundred percent believe he wants to keep me safe. But without realizing the importance of including me in decision making, he won't succeed in this relationship or a future one.

“I have to be at work early tomorrow. My boss can be a real asshole. Good night Vincent.” I hurry away from him, before he can grab my hand, before I can second guess that I’m turning my back on the only man that has made me see a real future.



Is it wrong that Daisy’s scolding turned me on? Watching her turn her back on me and walk out the door was the hardest thing to let happen. And when I sat back down with the guys at the table and they started giving me shit, it took all I had not to punch them out.

“Just tell her it’s a Christmas gift. You’re going steady now, so a gift is mandatory.” Billy remarks in a sarcastic tone.

“Great idea, Bill. That should at least get him inside the house again. Back in her bed, though?” Cash sits back in his chair, stroking his chin like he’s thinking hard. “Maybe a squeegee to go with the windows?”

Tom busts out in a joyous laugh. “Find a red one to match her hair. Chicks love the matchy matchy shit.”

“I know you’re all enjoying this.”

“Oh, we’re more than enjoying this!” Cash butts in again. “It’s about time you found a woman. And the fact that you found one youthoughtwould let you stay in charge? Even better. Because, man, she’s going to beat you down at every turn.”

I take a long pull from my beer. I didn’t look for a younger woman I could run over. I wasn’t looking for a woman at all. I don’t want it to be easy, though. That’s always been the problem. I never found a woman that could hold their own with me. I like to be in charge. I have to be in charge, but I need a bit of a fight. I need someone who’s going to push back when I need it. Give me a night off from worrying about everyone and everything around me.

Daisy does that. She has a way about her that when I’m with her, my focus turns to her. She knows how to seduce me with her body, yes, but her words. Her soft heart. Her laughter. It all helps ease my mind for a bit so I can recharge.

“This may surprise you guys, but I don’t want someone I can push around. It’s why I have you fools.” I smirk at them. “Daisy knows when I need to be the Chief and she knows when I need a break. It's remarkable how in sync she is with me.

“Chief, if you start singing a love song, I’m out of here.”

Flipping him off, I finish my beer and stand. “I’m going to her house.”

Tom pulls me back down in my chair by my arm. “No, you’re not. Not tonight. Let her be. You’ll only make matters worse if you go there trying to strong arm her.”

Collapsing into the chair, I eye him. He’s right.

“Farrah finally getting through to you?”

“Nope. It wasallme.” Cash gloats. “I finally broke him, boss. Made him see what an asshole he’s been for the last seven years.”

Tom pushes Cash and they play fight with each other for a moment. I’ve noticed a change in Tom’s demeanor, but I’ve been so wrapped up in Daisy, I didn’t question it. “Yeah? Care to share?”

“Not right now.” Tom’s quick response means he’s still not quite ready to talk. And that’s fine. I know he’s got his demons. We’ll get to them when he’s ready.

“Okay, guys. I’m heading out. Tomyhome. You guys are experts at pissing women off, so if you tell me to stay away for the night, I’ll listen.”

Grabbing my wallet from my pocket, I throw some money on the table. “Bill, thanks again for the windows. Guys, be safe. I’ll see you both at work tomorrow.”

“Chief, wait. Those two side windows that face the empty field? They were shaved down pretty good.”

Narrowing my eyes at him. “Shaved down how?”

“Like someone’s been working on getting in.”

My fists clench and my blood races. “Recent?”