“Thanks, Tacie. I’ll go check on her.” I say keeping my expression calm. No sense in worrying her more than she already is.

“Good,” she smiles. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas. And tell Bear I said hey.” I’ve gotten to know him and a couple of the other park rangers a little better. They’re a good group of people dedicated to preserving the mountain range’s wildlife. I also made a friend of the carpenter named Moore who lives deep in the mountains. He and his brothers who live out there as well are an interesting bunch but fun to be around. I’m planning on having a cabin built for Velma and me and he’s helping with the interior and some of the furniture. It won't be cheap but I have some savings and Velma is worth it.

Tacie nods and I leave. I might be late to my next appointment but I have to go check on my angel and see what’s going on.



“Ivette,please stop hovering over me like the grim reaper. Go sit in the chair. Or better yet go home.”

“I think you meant like a mother hen. The grim reaper doesn’t hover.”

Prying one eye open, I rotate my head and glare at her as best I can which fails to make the impression I was going for.

The motion causes the towel on my forehead to slip, almost sliding to the floor. I manage to catch it at the last moment and set it back in place then shut my eyes again.

I’m dying. And on the most uncomfortable loveseat known to man. I should move to the bedroom but it took all my strength to let Ivette in. No way I’m making it back there, even if it's only a few feet away.

A hand lands on my stomach and starts moving in a circular motion.

“For the hundredth time, stop rubbing my belly, Ivette!” Okay maybe I shouldn’t have shouted but if this is what I have to look forward to, the constant touching of my stomach, for the next eight or so months, I’m never leaving my house… or letting anyone in for that matter.

Not bothered by my outburst, Ivette lifts my legs and slides underneath them. I guess she was tired of hovering from afar and wanted to get closer. If she lays her head on my stomach I’m kicking her ass— dying or not.

“There’s a baby in there Velma and I wanna feel it. A baby you made with CJ.”

Of all the idiotic…

“Of course, I made it with CJ. How many men do you think I’m sleeping with?! And could stop sounding like some kinda dippy teenage girl in love? It’s embarrassing… for us both.”

Quick as ever she smugly snaps back with, “My mama says if you’re bitch while you’re pregnant then your baby will turn out mean. So if I were you, I’d watch my attitude.”

Pregnant. I am freaking pregnant.

Who would have thought a month of unprotected sex with a virile man would cause this to happen? Obviously not me. No… that’s a lie. I knew this would happen. He told me it would every time I let him come inside of me. But damn it nothing compares to skin-on-skin contact. And I’m a whore for his cock so here we are.

I had been off for the past week and my breasts seemed tender but in full denial mode, I chalked it up to nothing. The body is a mysterious entity. Then I missed my period which should have started last week. I’m never late, my monthly is on a strict timetable. After claiming to be sick and kicking CJ. out yesterday morning, I hauled ass to Adkins, the next town over, and bought a test.

Buying one here was not an option. My mom would have heard about it before I made it home. I am not in the mood to deal with her brand of crazy. While our relationship has gotten better and she’s calmed down a teensy bit, this would set her off.

The towel on my head has grown lukewarm and my stomach feels better so I sit up, swinging my legs to the floor.

“What am I going to do, Ivette? This thing between CJ and me is supposed to be temporary. A baby is permanent.” I feel my bottom lip wobbles and I bite down to keep my emotions in check.

“Liar. I’m pretty sure CJ told you the only way you can get rid of him is by death do you part. Those five words are in wedding vows by the way.” Softly smiling, she bumps my shoulder.

“He’s said that and so many other things. What I don’t understand is why he’s trying so hard. I’m sleeping with him, aren’t I?” And have been for weeks. A month to be exact.

“Clearly.” Ivette dryly says because now she’s a comedian.

I want to toss back a clever comeback but I’m all out of sassy so instead I groan and drop my head into my hands.

What started as a fling, at least on my end, is rapidly turning into something all-consuming. I see CJ every night, talk to him throughout the day and when I’m not near him, he’s all I think about. My apartment smells like him and everywhere I turn there are pieces of CJ in my view. It’s a good thing he’s not paying rent at his place because he’s never there.

The funny thing is… it doesn’t bother me. I like it in fact. I look forward to his knock on the door after a long day. He doesn’t have a key so if his day is short, he’ll hang out with me at the resort until I get off. Speaking of work, it hasn’t suffered like I thought it would. The employees seem to enjoy working with me now. They say I seem happier and not so uptight. It’s not that I don’t care about doing a good job and advancing, it’s that I have realized that work isn’t life. Some people can live that way and be happy but I’m not one of them. I’ve spent more nights than I care to remember longing for more but felt that it was outside of my reach. Now it’s here and I’m afraid it’s pyrite.