Page 56 of Unexpected Fate

“Really good. I g-got you and Papa today, then a little b-b-brother. It’s the best d-d-day of my l-l-l-life. Besides, you helping me that first day.”

Smiling, I lean against him. “I agree. I’m so glad you asked me for help. Why did you pick me out of all the people on the street?”

He shrugs, causing my head to move up and down. “You looked sss-safe.”

“Because I’m a tiny omega?” I joke.

Shaking his head, Tanner grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together. “No. When I l-l-looked at the people on the sidewalk, y-y-you looked like someone I could be s-s-safe with.”

“Always, son.”

I doze off again, listening to Tanner hum in my ear. At some point, Rome comes back and they switch places, because when I wake up, Tanner is sitting in the chair cradling Samuel and Rome has his arms tight around me. “Hey sleepyhead,” he mutters, moving the curls from my face.

“Hey, baby. Sorry for falling asleep.”

“Are you kidding?” he asks, tucking me closer. “You worked hard to bring our son into the world. You deserve rest.”

“I’m good now. Want to hold him.” After I untangle myself from Rome’s arms, I hold my arms out to Tanner, who brings me Samuel. Tanner sits on my other side, putting his head on my shoulder.

Looking at the small, sleeping face of my newborn, I feel like my heart isn’t big enough to contain the love I feel for him. For the love I have for Tanner and the love I have for Rome. I feel like I’ll explode because of it, but I don’t hate it. It’s the best feeling in the world.

“Hey, little man. You have so many people that love you already. You’ll have the best life,” I murmur to him, rubbing my index finger down his nose. “You have your Papa who will do anything for you. Your big brother who will always protect you. And me, who will give my life to make sure you’re happy. You’re so deeply loved Samuel. So loved.”

I tuck him to my chest, letting the unbearable tears flow.

Gods, thank you for giving me all of this. Thank you for my family.


Rome- Six Months Later

Benjaminlooksgoodinhis navy-blue linen shirt. Even though he had Samuel months ago, he still glows just as he did when he was pregnant. It could be the happiness he’s feeling from having our family or the sunlight bouncing off his light brown skin. Either way, he looks radiant.

Brandon and Mason do as well. Both are wearing pristine white linen shirts, but Brandon has a loose blue tie around his neck. That splash of color stands out in a good way, the light ocean breeze blowing it to and fro. They’re all wearing tan linen pants, rolled up over their ankles. Cliché, but they all look really good.

Standing up for Brandon is my hot little omega and an omega I don’t know.

On Mason’s side is his brother Shane, another extremely large alpha, and Dr. Dorchester who is Mason’s best friend.

Zane is sitting on Tanner’s lap clapping his hands and trying to say whatever new words he’s learned. Tanner speaks to him quietly, keeping him busy so he doesn’t feel the need to run up to his fathers while the ceremony is going on. Since they’re getting married on the beach, Tanner brought some plastic shovels and a bucket, just in case Zane wants to play. He can just set the toddler down and let him go to town while vows are being exchanged.

Currently, Samuel is drinking a bottle, looking like he wants to doze off any minute. I’m sure if Benjamin was chest feeding him, he would have dropped off by now. He still doesn’t love bottles, but he doesn’t give us much trouble if he has to drink from one. Our little omega child is pretty calm most times. But if he’s hangry, he’s a little terror.

I love him too much for words.

Tuning in to the ceremony, I hear the pastor ask for the rings. I watch Benjamin and Shane hand Brandon and Mason their respective rings. Benjamin has tears streaming down his face, hands clasped in front of him. From how feisty he was before we knew we were fated mates, you would never know he was so emotional. I love how he doesn’t hide his softer side, even though he’s said more times than I can count how tired he is of crying. I think he’s adorable with his pink cheeks and red nose.

“If anyone here objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace,” the pastor says. I half expect Zane to start shouting words, since he usually does during a lull in conversation any other time, but I guess even he knows this is important, his fathers sealing their union for everyone to see even though they’re fated mates.

After another moment, the pastor has them exchange standard vows, both Brandon and Mason sounding choked up. When they slide their rings on, they beat the pastor to the “you may now kiss your husband” part, touching their lips together sweetly. The pastor doesn’t seem to mind, chuckling as he introduces them as Mr. and Mr. Taylor.

All the guests clap and cheer as Mason and Brandon walk down the aisle, hand in hand. They stop by our row and Zane hops into Mason’s arms, talking a mile a minute, saying words only he understands.

The cheering woke Samuel up, and he starts wailing. Before I can get him to calm, Tanner plucks him from my arms, lays his head on his shoulder and starts to murmur to him. Almost immediately, Samuel settles, looking up at Tanner with a cute, sleepy smile.

Rolling my eyes good naturedly, I tell Tanner, “I could have done that.”

“Shh-sure, Papa.” He rocks Samuel gently as he walks down the aisle to meet up with the happy couple, who are at the end of the aisle, shaking hands and thanking everyone for coming. The reception is going to be held inside at a venue right on the beach that’s often used for weddings.