Page 46 of Unexpected Fate

“Newly mated?” the doctor asks and I nod. “Makes the news I’m going to give you even better. Congratulations, Mr. Stewart, you’re pregnant.”

Chapter 18


Youcouldhearapin drop after the news the doctor dropped on us. My mouth is hanging open and I hear Rome sputtering beside me. Tanner sits in the chair beside the door, looking dejected.

“I’m sorry, that’s impossible,” I say, shaking my head.

“Oh, it’s quite possible. You said you were just in heat? You’re about a month along, so it’s still very new, but you are indeed with child.”

I’m still shaking my head. “No, I have Weylet’s, doc. I can’t get pregnant. My gynecologist said I don’t have enough eggs and—”

Rome cuts in. “How sure are you?”

“Very. But we can take a blood sample to be sure.”

We nod and the doctor leaves the room to get a nurse.

My attention goes to Tanner. “Come here, son.”

He looks as if he doesn’t want to, taking a minute to make his way to the exam table. “What are you thinking?” I ask when he gets in arms reach and I can grab his hand.

“Y-y-y-y-y—” he stops and takes a deep breath, head down and shoulders slumped. “What will happen to m-m-m-me?”

I’m confused. “What do you mean?”

“You’re pregnant.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” Rome says.

Tanner looks at us. “If you are, w-w-w-what happens to mmm-me?”

“Nothing, kid. You’re stuck with us, I told you. Do you think we wouldn’t want you?”

Even though I know it hurts, Tanner nods.

“Oh, Tanner. From the moment I met you, I knew you were my son,” I tell him. “Even when I didn’t know you, I wanted to take care of you and give you a home. If I’m pregnant, that changes nothing. You’ll always be our first child. Always.”

His bottom lip trembles. “But you’ll have a r-r-r-real son.”

I poke him in the belly, drawing a startled laugh from him. “You feel plenty real to me. Can you trust that we mean it when we say you’re our son? That nothing and no one will change that? I know it might take time, but we’ll tell you every day if that will help.”

Taking a deep breath, Tanner nods. “I trust you.”

Smiling, I hold my arms out and he hugs me tightly. Rome wraps his arms around us both and I feel more complete than I had earlier. Tanner is such a good kid, and I’m glad he trusts us enough to believe me. Because I mean every word.

Even when I didn’t know him or spend more than a few minutes with him, Tanner got to me. I hated seeing him on the streets and hearing his story hit close to home for me. Being placed in some foster homes where drugs were abundant and people would do anything for their high, including what happened to Tanner, I know the feeling of wanting to run away as a last resort. I didn’t want Tanner on the streets to experience that darkness. Now that he’s living with me and will legally be my child soon, he won’t ever have to live in fear again. If I am pregnant, that won’t change.

Chapter 19


Weallwaitwithbated breath for the doctor to return after the nurse draws Benjamin’s blood. I’m happy to see Tanner has a small smile on his face, holding Benjamin’s hand. Hopefully, he believes what my omega said. He is our son. We don’t plan to let him go.

Fifteen minutes later, the doctor comes back into the room, a bright smile on his face. “As I said, congratulations Mr. Stewart. You are pregnant.”

There’s a moment of silence, then Benjamin bursts into tears for the second time today. He throws an arm around Tanner’s and my shoulders and we all hug, Benjamin’s tears sliding down my face. Gingerly, I place my lips to his, happiness and disbelief the driving force behind my tenderness.