Page 43 of Unexpected Fate

Feeling more confident in my decision to spend the money to make him ours, I stride behind my family, hoping to put this terrible chapter behind us.

Chapter 17


Thisfuckingassholeofan alpha sitting across from us makes my skin crawl. He looks greasy, his lank hair hanging limply around his face. His sunken face and beady eyes irritate me, just on principle. What really bothers me is that he appears not to give a fuck about his son. His eyes slide over Tanner like he’s a stranger, no recognition lighting the shifty orbs.

Then again, he’s probably high right now, judging by his jittery behavior and how his eyes keep darting around.

To keep it on neutral territory, we meet at the courthouse in downtown Fair Falls, so Tanner’s father—Joe—won’t know where we work, just in case he wants to stir up some trouble. I’m not sure how he got down here, since Tanner says he lives six hours away, but that’s not my business. As long as he leaves here without Tanner, he can go to hell for all I care.

Under the table, I grip Tanner’s hand, feeling it tremble. I want to do more, want to comfort him, but I don’t want him to feel like he can’t hold his own. He can handle this how he sees fit.

When all parties arrive, including an impartial attorney neither I nor Rome have met, we get started. I’m glad. I want no reason for this fuck to come back.

Rome’s jaw is clenched and I know it’s taking massive effort to not reach across the table and strangle Joe. I wouldn’t blame him if he did.

Joe’s lawyer clears his throat, shuffling the papers in front of him. “We should get started.” He nods to the scribe, who starts taking the minutes. “We’re here today to settle the matter of signing over parental rights for Tanner James Kennedy by Joe Kennedy. We’ll start by—”

“He’ll be rid of my last name, right?” Joe’s scratchy voice interrupts his lawyer, making Tanner wince. “I don’t want him to have nothing of mine, including my name.”

Tanner squeezes my hand hard enough to bruise, but I don’t shy away from it. I knew there would be something that hurt him today. This is why I didn’t want him to come, but Rome was right. He has the right to face his father, regardless of how much this will tear him apart.

I wish I could shield him from the world.

Through clenched teeth, Rome says, “Don’t worry. After this meeting, every trace of you will disappear from Tanner’s life.”

Joe doesn’t physically shrink away, but his eyes dart around at Rome’s hard voice. I’m sure back in the day—before the drugs ravaged his body—Joe was a formidable alpha, but now he looks small and weak. The drugs obviously didn’t dull the strength of his words.

“Good. He wants rid of me, so be it.”

I don’t mention that he’s the one that tried to sell his son for drugs before Tanner ran awayandasked for money to give him to strangers.

Before Rome can retort, the lawyer holds up his hands. “Let’s just get through this.” He sounds disgusted, looking over at Joe with a cool expression. “There’s not much for you to do.” He goes over the contract with him, reiterating that after he signs, he won’t come back and ask for more money and he has no parental rights over Tanner and Tanner will be a ward of the state. Tanner clamps his eyes shut, a single tear trailing his cheek. He wipes it quickly, his foot bouncing rapidly.

After the lawyer runs through everything, he hands Joe the pen and Joe signs quickly. He sits back, rubbing his hands together, a look of glee on his face. “That’s done. Where’s the money?”

Again, the lawyer shows his disgust, then turns to the recorder. “Let the record show that Joe Kennedy signed over parental rights for Tanner James … No Last Name at 9:57 am.” The lawyer looks apologetically at Tanner and I see my boy take a few deep breaths as more tears leak.

Joe scoffs. “This is why no one wants you. You’re a weak, stuttering fool that no one wants to deal with.”

Rome bursts from his seat, rounds the table, and pulls Joe up by the collar of his shirt. We all shout, but Rome waves us off, slamming Joe’s back against the wall. “That’s where you’re wrong. He’sours.We want him. You are a sorry excuse for a father and we don’t want you around our son. Do you understand? If I ever see your face again, I will rearrange it for you.” Rome lets Joe go and he slinks away, moving to the door.

“Just give me my money and I’m out of here.” He tries to sound tough, but he flinches when Rome walks around the table, hand in his jacket pocket.

Pulling out the check, Rome slams it against his chest. “Take this fucking money and get the fuck out of here. Don’t ever let me see you around my kid again.”

Joe looks Tanner over and I see the hurt in Tanner’s eyes. Surprising me, Tanner says, “This is the o-o-o-only good th-th-thing you’ve done for mmm-me.” Then he turns his back on him.

Joe’s face morphs in fury and he takes a step in Tanner’s direction. He doesn’t get far. Before anyone can move, Rome has his hand around Joe’s throat and shoves him against the door. I stand, putting a hand on Rome’s arm. “Let him go, baby. He’s not worth it.”

I turn to see Tanner has tears streaming freely down his face. This is hurting him. The longer Joe stays, the more it’ll hurt. “Enough, my alpha. Get him the fuck away from our son.”

That seems to snap Rome out of his anger and he lets Joe drop to the floor. Grabbing his shirt, Rome opens the door and pushes Joe out. Closing the door, he doesn’t turn around—just takes several deep breaths before rejoining us at the table.

He grabs the back of Tanners head, pulling him into a rough hug. “You okay, kid? I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”

Tanner wraps his arms around Rome’s back, hugging him hard. “Thank you,” he whispers.