Page 39 of Unexpected Fate

After the bag is empty, he sits back on his heels. “I didn’t know his shoe size, so when he wakes, I can ask and pick him up a few pairs. The ones he had on seem to be in decent shape, but I want him to have some options, you know?”

“Ss-s-size fourteen,” Tanner says sleepily, letting his legs go and stretching, a big yawn leaving his mouth.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Rome says, standing and backing away.

I think Tanner will sit up and move away now that he’s awake, but instead he snuggles closer to me, putting a hand under his chin. My heart melts that he trusts me enough to be so vulnerable in front of another alpha.

“It’s okay. I don’t usually sleep too long.” Tanner sounds relaxed, but I don’t like the comment about him not sleeping long. He needs his rest.

“I’m sure. Come on,” I say, tapping his arm. Tanner sits up and I stand, stretching my sore muscles. My legs were tucked under me and now that the blood is flowing in them, I’m getting that awful pins and needles feeling.

I beckon Tanner to follow me and he trails behind me down the short hallway. I open the door to Brandon’s old bedroom, which I now use for storage. Brandon took his bedroom set with him, so I bought a twin bed for the room in case I had guests. I step aside and let Tanner walk inside. “It’s not much, but … we can fix it up at some point. For now, please get some rest.” I give his hand a squeeze. “Nothing will happen to you here. Sleep as long as you’d like.”

Tanner’s eyes glisten, but he turns away before more tears fall. He nods, climbs into the bed, and faces the wall. Walking over to the bed, I sit at the end and ask, “Would you like me to sit here until you fall asleep?”

In a soft voice, he says, “Yes, please.”

He doesn’t take long to fall back asleep. Soon enough, he’s snoring gently, eyes clamped down tight. Sighing, I pat his foot and walk to the living room. I think about closing the door behind me, but I want Tanner to hear that we’re still around when he wakes up.

Rome sits on the couch, organizing the things he purchased for Tanner. He smiles up at me when he sees me, sitting back and opening his arms. I drop onto his lap, tucking my head under his chin.

My alpha runs his hands lazily over my curls, kissing my forehead. “You okay?”

I nod. “Yeah. What am I going to do? I need to get him settled and figure some things out, but I don’t know what or how. I don’t know if he’s here for good or he wants to go back home. I don’t know if he’ll want to stay when he realizes that while I will help him, I’ll have to parent him to keep him on a good path. I don’t want him to think I’m trying to be his father if I’m stern with him. And I feel foolish for trying to think so far into the future when I have no clue where to start.”

“Let’s start with we.”

“Huh?” I ask, leaning back so I can look at him.

“Weneed to figure out where to start. We’re in this together. We can talk to Tanner, get to know him, and figure out what he wants. We can work on it together. You’re not in this alone.”

“What would I do without you, Rome?”

He grins, kissing my forehead again. “Everything you set your mind to, my feisty omega. I’m only glad you’re taking me along for the ride.”

We discuss options for what we can do to help Tanner for another hour, then I get dinner on the stove. I figure Tanner will be hungry when he wakes, since he only had the sandwich at Dave’s earlier.

As soon as dinner is finished, Tanner walks from the room, rubbing his eyes and trying to fix his rumpled hair. I smile at him, waving him over to the table. “You’re just in time for dinner. Have a seat. We can talk while you eat. Is that okay?”

He nods, sitting down and pulling his plate closer to him.

“Mind if I join you two?” Rome asks Tanner cautiously. I love how careful he’s being with Tanner, not wanting to startle him.

Tanner nods, using his hand to indicate the seat in front of him. In a small voice, he says, “Th-th-th-thank you f-f-f—” he stops talking and takes a deep breath. “Thanks for the stuff.”

“You’re more than welcome, Tanner.” Rome sits down and I slide a plate in front of him. “I can get your food,” he says to me, and I just grin.

“Eat. I’ll only take a moment to make my food.”

Rome, the weirdo grumbles. “I could have made your food. I’m supposed to be taking care of you.” He stabs his carrots, giving me a dry look.

Barking a laugh, I kiss the top of his head and go back to the stove. “If it means that much to you, you can wash the dishes.”

I turn around just in time to see Rome’s face drop, making me laugh more. “Umm … yeah, I can.”

Shaking my head with a chuckle, I sit down with my plate and we start to eat.

“Are you two married?” Tanner asks, looking back and forth between us.