“That’s it, baby. You getting close for me? Going to come with my cock deep inside your sweet pussy?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” I chant as he tilts my hips up further, angling him even deeper inside me. “God, right there. Don’t stop!”

He pumps faster and reaches a hand around until his fingertips land on my clit. He’s rubbing in circles again, but this time he’s adding a delicious amount of friction.

“Brady, Bradyyyyy!”

“I know, baby. I sense it, too. You’re so close. Let go. Come for me, Lola. Come!” he barks.

I feel him start to empty inside me as my own release is triggered. He continues to rub my clit with his dick seated inside me as my orgasm racks through my body. When my body stops shuddering, he wraps both arms around my middle and kisses my shoulder. “That’s my girl. Let’s get cleaned up and you can tell me everything I missed this week.”



After our explosive afternoon together, things are better than ever between Lola and I. She’s been in my bed every night and hangs out with me in the mornings before I go to the stadium. We eat lunch together and then she goes back to her place to work. Sometimes she and the girls come to the games and sometimes they don’t. Tonight, though, they’re here because Robby’s sister, Morgan, is in town.

I’m sitting in the clubhouse at my locker, scrolling through my phone as the guys filter in. I spend a few minutes chatting with a new outfielder who was recently called up when Kent makes his way over. “Getting a tongue-lashing from Cap already, Crews? I thought he saved that for Lola.”

“Fuck off, man,” I admonish. “If you need me to give you tips on how to please a lady, all you have to do is ask.”

Crews lets out a snort as he walks away. “Listen, if they’re in my bed, they aren’t exactlyladies, but none of them leave unsatisfied,” Kent retorts with a wink.

“Stop being a perv, Dela Cruz, or Carina won’t let you come to her charity event this weekend,” Robby says.

“What is it, ‘pick on Kent day’? I am nothing but nice to you guys. I haven’t even mentioned the fact that my midday nap was interrupted earlier this week by some loud lovemaking, because that would be uncouth,” Kent states with a teasing tone.

“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” I insist, but the smirk on my face gives me a way.

“I take it midday lovemaking means things are picking up between the two of you? I’m seeing a lot more of Tiffany lately, which leads me to believe her roomie is otherwise occupied,” Robby surmises.

“Yeah, things are going great. Really great. We’ve hit a couple bumps in the road, but considering what she’s been through the last year, that’s to be expected.”

“I gotta say, I was a little surprised how fast she moved on, especially after how that douche canoe treated her. I always got a bad vibe from the guy,” Robby grouses.

“You and me both,” I respond. “She was apprehensive at first, but their marriage was over emotionally for a while. She was more concerned about the optics than needing time to get over the relationship.”

“If those noises were anything to go by, our boy is keeping her more than satisfied. He treats her way better than he treats me, that’s for sure,” Kent adds. I definitely do. I don’t want Lola to go another day where she doesn’t realize how fucking precious is. Where she isn’t treasured and cherished. Not on my watch.

“Should I mark off some time in the off season for a wedding?” Kent teases.

I shrug and Robby smiles.

“Wait, seriously? I was joking!” The right fielder claims. “You guys have only been together for a few months and she’s been divorced for a week!”

“Relax, playboy. His being smitten by a woman doesn’t mean you will be, too. It’s not contagious. But when you know, you know,” Robby says. “Besides, being married is awesome. 10/10 recommend locking down your dream girl. That’s what she is, right?”

“She’s better than anything I could have ever dreamed, man,” I confess. “I never thought I’d find a woman who fit with my personality so well. I know it’s soon and I’m not planning to propose tomorrow or anything, but I can see it heading in that direction. I know we both want the same things. I’m trying not to scare her off with too much, too soon, to be honest.”

“I’m happy for you. It couldn’t have happened to two better people. You know, once we’re semi-related, we canreallystart excluding Kent from things by calling it a family outing,” Robby says with a wag of his eyebrow.

“Why must you hurt me? You’re lucky your moms are happily married, otherwise you might find yourself calling me Daddy,” Kent threatens.

“Hard pass on that one. Linda would see through your charms.”

“Marilyn would, too,” I note. “My brother Jimmy is single, though. Shoot your shot.” With that statement lingering in the air, I stand up to go chat with a few more players before it’s game time.
