“Any good partner,” he clarifies. Plating the food, he slides a cheesy omelet in front of me before digging into his veggie monstrosity.
“Are you having any eggs with your veggies?” I tease.
He narrows his eyes. “Eat your breakfast, brat, before I forget that you’re sore and decide to teach you a lesson about poking the bear.”
I mime zipping my lips and dig into my food.
“What do you have planned this week?” he asks.
“With Carina and Robby’s wedding days away, I have Maid of Honor errands to run. Plus, Aunt Teresa will be here tomorrow to help get everything squared away. Have you met Carina’s mom before?”
“I don’t think I have. You spent a lot of time with her when you were younger, right?”
“Yeah, I practically spent all my summers with her from the age of four to sixteen. Plus, most holidays were either at her house or my Nonna’s. Dad wasn’t exactly skilled in hosting. He left it to them to handle the most important events.”
“But you and your dad are still close?”
“Yes and no,” I say, pushing my food around my plate. “He raised me and put a roof over my head, but I wouldn’t consider us pals. He did what he needed to do to take care of me. I don’t think he knew what to do with a daughter most of the time, though.”
“Sounds lonely,” he remarks.
“Sometimes, but I had Carina and Teresa for anything major and my Nonna. Plus, I had friends. Georgie and I were inseparable until we went to college. We did everything together. We were even each other's prom dates.”
“You went to prom with Georgie?” he questions, astonished.
“Yeah, why? You don’t think a girl like me could’ve landed a date like that? I landed you, didn’t I?”
“That you did, my sweet girl. Thank fuck for that.”
“Speaking of my bestie, Georgie will be here in a couple of weeks. I can’t wait for the two of you to meet.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” he says with a kiss to my temple. “I’m also looking forward to this wedding being over so I can have my life back. The All-Star break is supposed to be relaxing. Not full of fittings and events.”
“Yeah, but I bet you’ll look hot in your tux and I can’t wait for you to see the dress Carina picked out for me.”
“Am I going to like it?” he inquires.
“So much that I’m not giving you a peek until the wedding day.”
“Now who’s the mean one?” he taunts, which earns him a flick of egg to the face.
“Oh, you’re in for it now!” he says with a hint of a growl. “You better run, baby. I’m taking my payback from that cute little ass.”
With a yelp, I shoot off the stool and spend the rest of the day rolling around with my man.
• LOLA •
Glancing around the room, I take a sip of my mimosa and I let the scene sink in. Carina is seated in front of a mirror while Tiffany carefully applies her eyeliner. The other bridesmaids float around the room refilling their drinks, steaming their dresses, and chatting.
A hand lands on my silk-robed back and I smile at my Aunt Teresa over my shoulder. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” she remarks.
“She is,” I answer. “I can’t believe this day is finally here.”
“It feels like yesterday the two of you were fighting over who got to be the bride when you played with my veil as little girls,” she recalls.
“Oh God, don’t remind me. It’s funny how the dreams of children transform. She really did get her Prince Charming, though.”