“She used to be all giggly school girl around you and now she can’t get away from you fast enough. I figured she took her shot, and you turned her down.”
“No, she didn’t ‘shoot her shot.’ I don’t know what happened. Her attitude towards me changed all of the sudden. It’s really starting to piss me off.”
“Interesting,” he quips.
“What’s interesting?”
“Seems as if she isn’t the only one with a crush.”
“I’m thirty-two years old. I don’t have crushes.”
“Whatever you say. All I know is that you watch that girl with moon eyes and when she doesn’t give you the time of day, you remind me of a sad puppy.”
“A puppy, seriously? No one would ever say I resembled a puppy.”
“Fine,” he complains. “A raging bear. Happy?”
“It’s better,” I snark. “Either way, I don’t have a crush on her. But I hate that she isn’t comfortable around me and I don’t know how to fix it. She won’t say more than two words to me. I’m a nice guy. I go out of my way to help people. I almost never raise my voice – at least off the field. I don’t get what I did to freak her out.”
“Maybe she found out you’re a Daddy.”
“I’m not a Daddy. I’m hardly even a Dom. I just like to take care of things… my way,” I correct.
“I think you mean that you’re a control freak. Maybe she found out about the club and she thinks you’re a kinky freak. I get the vibe she hasn’t exactly been around the block, if you know what I mean.”
“Yes, I know what you mean. And don’t talk about her that way, it’s disrespectful.”
For some reason, that makes the motherfucker smile. “What?” I ask, exasperated.
“You totally have a crush on her.” He pats me on the shoulder and walks away to greet other guests, leaving me to stew in my thoughts. I glance up and seek out Lola to find her smiling at something Carina is saying. When she senses the weight of my gaze, she meets my stare but averts her eyes quickly.
Something has changed her perception of me and I intend to find out what it is. Even though I would love to get to know her more, hopefully, I can get us back to being at least friendly.
• LOLA •
I’ve spent the last several weeks avoiding Miller. The things he said to me that night aside, knowing he’s seen me practically naked is enough to make me want to never see again. Luckily, I have been plenty busy and the Songbirds are focused on their season.
As expected, Phil flipped his lid when he was served with divorce papers. I don’t know what he expected considering I left six months ago, but he bombarded me with calls and texts for weeks demanding I come home and talk to him. Did he offer to come here? Of course not. I didn’t want him to, but for someone who claims he wants to “make this work,” Phil is making zero effort to do so. Unless blowing up my phone and complaining to our so-called friends counts. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Thankfully, he backed off once my lawyer threatened to file harassment charges.
My new job is going amazing and pairs perfectly with my blog. Being forced to explore Nashville for the tourism board has helped break me out of my shell and find hidden gems I’d never have known about otherwise. It’s easy to try new things when they’re right in front of my face. I never would have thought orange blossom lattes would be one of my favorite things, but thanks to trying one at a coffee shop opening they are. Turns out, I am obsessed with unconventional syrups.
Today, I am trying something else new: a trampoline fitness class. I saw one of my favorite actresses doing it and decided to give it a shot. I am insanely nervous, but also excited. This is so far outside of the realm of things I would normally do that I can’t help but be proud of myself for signing up.
When I arrive at the studio, I check in at the front desk and get a tour. The receptionist helps me pick out my equipment and sets me up in the back. I may be excited, but I am not front-of-the-class excited. When she goes to greet another newbie, I sit down on the mat to stretch. Suddenly, a shadow falls over me and I glimpse up to see a woman clearly straight out of Themyscira. She could pass for Gal Gadot’s twin.
Even though I am on the ground, I can tell she is tall. She has her hair pulled up into a ponytail and even without makeup, she is gorgeous. Not only is she stunning, but her body is wow. I don’t mean she’s hot. She is, but the thing I notice the most about her is how strong she is. Her body is toned and fit without being bulky, and I wonder if trampoline classes will help me get that type of strength. I wouldn’t mind being able to carry all my groceries inside in one haul or moving furniture without having to call Robby.
“Hi, I’m Charlie,” she says. “I’m the instructor. Is this your first class?”
“Hello,” I stammer, shaking out of my trance. “I’m Lola. Yes this is my first time doing anything like this. I am usually a yoga girl.”
“Welcome. We are happy to have you. What made you want to try this class if you don’t mind me asking? It is quite the departure from yoga.”
“I am on a journey of self-discovery and am trying things outside of my comfort zone and this… this is way outside my comfort zone.”