Biting the bullet, I go through the events of New Year’s Eve and some of the things before that lead up to it. By the end, Georgie’s voice is hard and face is red. “I am going to kill that motherfucker. No one treats you like that, Lola. No one. His days are numbered.”

“Alright, calm down Rambo. You aren’t going to do anything. If you go to jail, you won’t get to play with those cute nieces you have or eat your mother’spastelesever again.”

“I’m serious. This is unacceptable. Where are you? You’re not going to go back to that loser. I can fly you out to Chicago. You can move in with me. Start over without that prick. You were always too good for him.”

“I’m fine, Georgie. I’m at Dad’s trying to figure out my next move. I am not moving in with you. There aren’t enough noise canceling headphones in the world to make that happen.”

That shifts Georgie’s expression from dark and stormy to a smirk. Horn dog.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do next but for now, I want to lick my wounds. I haven’t been happy for a while, crumpling marriage aside,” I confess. “I’m considering all my options before making any life-altering decisions.”

“My offer stands. You need a place to go, my guest room is always open.”

“Thanks Georgie. Go enjoy your vacation! You’ll be hard at work again soon.”

* * *

“Bye, Lo. Call me soon.”

After a few more weeks at my dad’s and increasingly more hostile texts and calls from my husband. I decide that I need a fresh start and to be surrounded by friends. I pull up my group text with Tiffany and Carina and shoot off a message.

11:57 AM


I’m coming to Nashville. I’ll get there next Wednesday, same as Tiffany.

Phil will be at an accounting conference all week. I’ll head home Monday and pack up everything I need for a new life in Music City. Nashville, here I come…


• LOLA •


My first days in Nashville have been amazing. Robby hasn’t left for spring training yet, but it’s been a total estrogen fest atCasa de Becker. Considering he is about to leave his girl for several weeks, Robby has been a good sport about all the rom-coms and rosé present in his swanky condo. Tiffany and I are going to stay here with Carina until he gets back and then we’ll move into the two-bedroom unit they bought a couple floors below.

A few nights before Robby leaves, he wants to make Carina a fancy dinner at home. To make ourselves scarce, Tiffany and I spend the night exploring Nashville. We stumble across a cute champagne garden that is right up Tiff’s alley. As we sip our bubbles, I can tell my blonde bestie is buttering me up for something.

“So…” she probes. “You left Phil over six weeks ago. Have you made any movement in the separation front?”

“I’ve contacted a lawyer in Missouri, but I haven’t done anything yet. He hasn’t been bugging me lately and I know the second he gets served papers he’s going to harass me again. I’m enjoying the peace while I can. I think he finally got the message that it's over but I don’t want to tempt fate yet.”

“Speaking of tempting things, are you ready to get back out there? Meet some hunk to break your two-month dry spell?”

“Two months? Try eight,” I say before I can stop myself. Tiffany chokes on her drink at the announcement.

“Eight?! You haven’t had sex eight months?” she whisper-shouts causing people at nearby tables to turn their heads.

“Can you shut up? People are staring!”

“I’m sorry. I just… I know you hadn't gotten physical in a while, but your husband didn't have sex with you for that long, and you didn't suspect he was cheating? Oh honey, I didn’t know it was that bad. You’d think the dude would throw you a bone now and then, especially when you were offering. Who turns down a free lay?”

“Excuse me,” I huff, affronted.

“I wasn’t calling you easy, babe. I’m simply pointing out that it is a lot more work to go and find a mistress or a rando than it is to have sex with your wife. Wow. And you’re a knockout. Phil is dumber than I thought he was.”

“Can we not talk about this in public?” I ask with heated cheeks.