“Of course, you can. You don’t have to fight your battles alone, Lola. Or at all. I’m right here, waiting to be called into action. I’ll take on any challenge you need me to. I know your dad told you that you have to, but it’s bullshit. You’re surrounded by people who would fight beside you.”
She peers back at me quizzically as if this information is a revelation she doesn’t know how to process.
“Honestly, you going to court and facing that douche nozzle on your own isn’t even what I’m upset about. I get that,” I confess.
“It’s not?”
“So, we’re good?” she questions, hopefully.
I laugh. “No, sweetheart, we are not good. You drove over four hours away by yourself and didn’t tell me. You weren’t honest with me about where you were or what you were doing for days. You know I’m overprotective. If you think I like to know where you are when I’m in town don’t you think I’d want to know you went to an entirely different state? Instead, you did it behind my back.”
“Behind your back is a little strong,” she defends.
“Is it? I always let you know where I’m going. Sure, it’s for work and you could easily find it out yourself, but I make sure you know that I arrive safely and when I intend to get back. What if something happened? I would have no idea where you were.”
“Other people knew where I was,” she mumbles.
“Yeah, and one of them accidentally told me. You know that made me feel? To find out news this big from Robby? He’s supposed to look up to me as his captain, not watch me freak out because my girlfriend kept something this huge from me and I haven’t heard from her all day.”
“I can see how that would be upsetting. I’m sorry. I just… didn’t want to open that can of worms. If I told you I was going to St. Louis and you asked why I’d either have to tell you the truth or lie. By not telling you at all, I didn’t have to make that choice.”
I don’t see why telling me the truth was such a bad option. What did she think would happen? I’d skip my game to be there? I mean, if I could have, I probably would have considered it but we both know that wasn’t on the table.
I huff out a frustrated breath. “Lola, we’re supposed to be partners. You lean on me. I lean on you. And more than that, you know how strong my need to care and protect you is. It feels like you don’t trust me to do that when you hide things from me. How would you feel if I went away for days and didn’t tell you?”
Her shoulders hunch as the gravity of her deception and its implications finally take root. I don’t want to make her feel bad, but I need her to know I won’t accept secrets between us. She can trust me with anything.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking about you or how it would affect you emotionally when you found out. I’ll never keep something like that from you again. I promise.”
“Thank you, that’s all I ask.”
“Now we’re good?”
We were always good, but I don’t tell her that. I’m not one to hold a grudge, but this is an excellent opportunity to test her boundaries and relieve the tension from the last twenty-four hours.
“I don’t know,” I consider. “What you did was pretty big. I think there needs to be some sort of punishment.”
Watching her reaction, I see her eyes flare with desire while also crinkling in apprehension. This is all for fun, but it is also a test of trust, something I need after what happened. She needs to know she can count on me to take care of her both physically and emotionally, even in scary or hard situations.
“Punishment? What kind of punishment?”
“Hmm, well it should fit the crime. It should be something that gives you the same discomfort I felt not knowing where you were. I was thinking I turn that sweet ass red before coming deep inside your tight little pussy. Does that sound fair to you?” I prompt.
“You want to spank me?”
“Only since the first time I ever laid eyes on you.”
“But I hadn’t done anything bad then!” she whines.
“Trust me, doll. You’re going to enjoy this punishment much more than you hate it. What do you think? You want me to get you all messy while I pinken your smooth, full cheeks?”
• LOLA •
Only Brady could make spanking me sound like a favor. Part of me thinks I should say no and run for the hills. I’m a grown woman; I don’t need to be punished by my boyfriend like a misbehaving child.