Phil’s messages bring me down. I would never step out on my husband and no one is going to hit on me with all these models around. I have had a few appreciative glances that boosted my confidence, though. Confidence that is all but gone after that exchange. Now, all I feel is overexposed and out of place.
Before I get lost in those negative emotions, Tiffany reappears from wherever she and Valentino ran off to. She saunters over with a satisfied smirk on her face.
“You good?” I ask.
“I’m great. What about you, Bunny? You’re a little frowny,” she says, pushing on my cheeks to give me an animated smile. Valentino scoots in behind her with a friend in tow.
“Mi cara, there you are,” he coos. “This is my friend Stefano. And you must be the ravishing Lola, I have heard about.”
I hum as I finish my drink and give a small wave.
“Ya know, my Lola Bunny is Italian, too,” Tiffany slurs.
“Is that so?” Stefano says, with sparkling eyes. “Posso offrirti un'altra bevanda bellissima?”
“Sarebbe fantastico, verrò con te,” I reply.
“I don’t know what that was, but it was hot. Let’s go dance!” Tiffany shouts, fanning herself.
“We’re going to go get a drink. I’ll grab you some water,” I tell her as she and Valentino barrel to the dance floor.
Stefano orders when we get to the bar before turning back to me. “I mean it,” he comments, "You are beautiful,una gemma squisita.”
“Thank you,” I responded with a blush. “I don’t want to be too presumptuous here, but I should tell you that I am married.”
“What a shame,” he tsks. “Where is this husband of yours? I would never let such a beauty out of my sight for long.”
It’s an obvious line, but it makes my stomach flutter, nonetheless. “He is back home. This is a girls’ trip.”
He stares at me appraisingly. “I see. Though, something tells me theidiotahasn’t been giving you the attention you need. He would be blind to not appreciate thegemma preziosahe has. You don’t comprehend how beautiful you are.”
After a brief pause he asks, “Can I give you some advice?”
“Sure,” I whisper, locked into his gaze as he tucks one of my long brown curls behind my ear.
“Never let a man – any man – treat you as if you aren’t the world. If he’s the right one, you will be his everything,la sua luna e le sue stelle.”
I can barely breathe at his words. I have never been anyone’s world, maybe a partner, but not anything as great as what he is saying. I’m the rejected daughter, the afterthought, the suitable option. I used to feel special to Phil, but I haven’t in a long time.
“Come,” he says after letting his words soak in. “Let’s go join our friends.”
* * *
“What’s wrong, Bunny?” Tiffany asks the next morning as we lay by the pool. “You’ve been quiet. Did Stefano try something? He seemed like a nice guy, but it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been fooled. Valentino can kick his ass if you want.”
I can’t help but laugh. Tiff is a real one. “No, no. He was great – charming without being pervy. He said some things that made me think, though.”
Turning over, Tiffany scrutinizes me. “I didn’t want to say anything last night, but I’m worried about you, Lo. Carina is, too.”
“Worried? Why?”
“You’ve been off lately. Sad. Maybe a little lost? You haven’t been your radiant, happy self, and we want you to know we’re here for you.”
I weigh my response for a few seconds. Despite being a party girl with a glamorous life, Tiffany is level-headed, kind, and loyal. She may not want commitment, but she understands relationships.
“I don’t think I’m happy,” I say, taking a deep breath. “With my job, with St. Louis, with… Phil. Things have been strained and I don’t know what to do about it.”
“I’m sorry,” she commiserates. “I thought you and Phil were good. I saw that scene you set a few weeks ago. It looked like a hot night to me.”