We’ve texted a little, but with the double header, I didn’t have much free time and yesterday she seemed a bit preoccupied. I figured she was working on getting her latest article ready for submission. I called her today, but she didn’t pick up. I’d say she is still sleeping, but it’s past noon there.
Trying to not to focus on her lack of communication, I head down to grab lunch before catching the bus to the stadium. On game days, we typically get to the clubhouse between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. At home, we drive ourselves and as captain, I aim to be the first one there. It allows me to take stock of how everyone is when they arrive and determine if anyone needs any special attention. On the road, I settle for being first on the bus.
When I get to the conference room the team has set up for our lunch, I see Robby scarfing down a wrap. He waves me over when he spots me. “Hey man, grab a seat.”
I sit down beside him and one of the team nutritionists brings over the lunch chef prepared. We could technically go out and get our own, but the team is required to provide us pregame meals as part of our contracts.
As we eat, we discuss ways to improve from the Austin series and who ended up on the injury list for Vegas. Other teammates filter in and out, but no one joins our table. Most guys enjoy down time before we are all together in the clubhouse to help get their mental game straight.
“You’re surprisingly chill today, I gotta say,” Robby admits.
“Of course, I’m chill. We’re ahead of everyone in the standings, and Vegas isn’t even in our league. Plus, we beat them two of the three times we’ve played them this year.”
“We’re obviously going to wipe the floor with them tonight with Sanchez injured and Kipner on the mound, but I mean about Lola. I figured you’d be anxious, at least until this afternoon.”
“Why would I be anxious about Lola?” I ask.
“I don’t know. I’d be feeling some kind of way if my girlfriend was having to face her dirtbag ex in court,” he remarks.
“WHAT?” I roar. His eyes widen as everyone else in the room pretends not to be watching us. “What the fuck did you say, Becker?” I whisper-shout.
“Shit, did you not know? Lola’s divorce is getting finalized today. She’s in St. Louis getting everything settled. I figured you’d be up my ass all day asking if I had any updates, but now it makes sense that you weren’t.”
I let out a harsh breath, my blood pressure skyrocketing. “No, I did not know. She wanted to handle this herself, and I respected her decision. Last I heard, the lawyers were getting everything settled, and all she had to do was sign the papers which she could do from Nashville.”
“That was the original plan before Phil started flexing his tiny dick and fighting over every little thing, forcing them to go in front of the judge. I can’t believe she didn’t tell you.”
“Me and you both.” How could Lola not tell me? I understand wanting to keep the details private. I know she’s embarrassed to be going through this, but to not tell me she was traveling? That's a big deal. I would have wanted to know she got there safely. I don’t even know how she got there. Did she drive? Fly? Is she alone? Did one of the girls go with her? Does she have to go back to her house to get anything or be alone with her ex? My mind is reeling with questions.
“Sorry, Miller. I didn’t mean to wreck your peace. Maybe she wanted to surprise you when we got back?” he suggests.
“Yeah, maybe,” I say. Grabbing my plate, I toss what’s left in the trash. “I’m gonna go get my stuff. Meet you on the bus.”
“Alright, man. Don’t stress on it too much. I’m sure everything is fine. She’s a strong girl.”
When I get back to the room, I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a text from Lola.
12:13 PM
My Sweet Girl
Good luck at your game tonight. I’ll be cheering you on from the couch. I can’t wait until you’re back home.
My Sweet Girl
I think I’m going to crash early tonight. It’s been kind of a crazy day. Call me in the morning?
I can’t wait until I am home, either. She’s got a lot of explaining to do when I see her again. I told her I was a bossy and possessive bastard. It’s time she learns how much.
• LOLA •
It’s strange being back at my dad’s place. Last time I was here was right after I caught Phil cheating and decided to leave with the small amount of dignity I had left. That was only eight months ago. It’s crazy how much has changed since then. I feel like a completely different person than the defeated wife hiding from the world and licking her wounds.
Thanks to my time in Nashville and largely the support from Brady, I know my worth and that I don’t have to spend my life fitting into someone else's mold. I may not be 100 percent certain of who I am, but I think we all are constantly evolving and I am okay with that.