“Really?” I ask hopefully.

“Yep. Want to take a peek before I wrap it up and give you care instructions?”

“Yes, please!”

Zade helps me up and directs me to a mirror on the other side of his station. I stare at my ribs for a few minutes before I turn and hug him, ignoring the growl I hear behind me.

“It’s incredible!,” I gush. “You’re an artistic wizard. I loved your idea to add the moon.”

Zade designed the tattoo when I got here. I knew I wanted it to include the phrase, ‘to thine own self be true’ – a reminder to listen to my inner voice – and flowers to symbolize blossoming into my new self. He suggested we put the script inside a crescent moon which symbolizes rebirth in many cultures. The flowers are growing out of the inside of the moon and he added a couple stars for good measure. While it has a lot of components, it’s still delicate, which is what I wanted.

Pulling me off Zade, Brady mutters, “Don’t I get any credit for bringing you here and encouraging you to do this?”

“Of course, you do, babe. No one is going to believe I did this! I’ll give you all the credit,” I reply, giving him a chaste peck. He quickly deepens the kiss, leaving me breathless and a little dazed.

“That’s better,” he rumbles with a satisfied expression.

* * *

After my tattoo experience, I decide a nap is in order. Brady convinces me to take it in his bed and slides in with me, snuggling me to his side, careful to avoid my tender ribs.

“Comfortable?” he asks.

“I am,” I mutter as I nuzzle into his chest, “but I don’t see how you can be. You always insist on sleeping on the side by the door.”

“And I always will, but that would put you on your bad side,” he murmurs. “Besides, I’m not planning to sleep, anyway. I’m leaving soon.”

“You are?” I pout.

“God, you’re fucking adorable. Put that away,” he says tapping my lip. “I’m meeting Robby and Kent at the gym downstairs for a quick workout. Then I’m going to hit up the taco truck across the street and grab us dinner. You may not even be awake by the time I get back.”

“What time are you meeting them?” I ask.

“They should be getting there any minute, but I’ll go down once you’re asleep.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know. But I love having you fall asleep in my arms and you do, too. Close those pretty hazel eyes and go to sleep.”

Butterflies erupt in my stomach as he runs his fingers up and down my back. He’s right, I love falling asleep wrapped up in him. I’m clearly making up for years of being touch starved in the few months we’ve been together.

Before dozing off, I relay my dinner order, “I want two chicken—” but get interrupted.

“Two chicken tacos with cheese, rice, and guacamole with a medium queso. This isn’t my first day, doll.”

“Alright Mr. Know-It-All. What are you getting because I know nachos are not on your meal plan, even if it is an off day. See, I know what you get, too.”

“She’s sassy when she’s tired,” he chuckles. “They are not, unfortunately. But a taco salad with extra steak and black beans will help me reach my protein goal. I won’t mention the guac on top if you don’t. And don’t act shocked that I know your order. I know what you get everywhere we go. You’re a creature of habit. Plus, I couldn’t take care of my girl properly if I didn't know what to feed her.”

Cuddles me to sleep and knows my orders by heart? If I wasn’t falling for him already, I am now. Brady takes everything he learns about me and commits it to memory.Lola Factsmust be taking up at least 5 percent of his brain space at this point.

“Now,” he croons, “close your eyes. I don’t want to hear Kent complain about me pushing him into doing an hour workout in forty-five minutes.”

“Yes, sir,” I murmur.

“Let’s put a pin in that for later,” he growls as I drift off.
