“You ready, man?” I ask Robby with a pat on the back.

“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”


“Not even a little,” he replies. “Honestly, I’m relieved. I have been waiting for this day 5ever. Being able to call Carina my wife feels right. I can’t wait to make it official.”

“I hope I’m that sure on my wedding day,” I admit.

“Marry the right girl, and you will.”

I chuckle in response. That is easier said than done, otherwise I would have done it by now. He is deliriously in love and he almost didn’t make it here thanks to some bad choices he made as a rookie. I’m glad he did, though. He and Carina make a great couple and without them, I would’ve never met Lola.

The more time I spend with her, the more I can see this future for us. I get what he means about feeling relieved. I would love to have skipped the years of bullshit dating and be married. I know I would make a great husband, but you can’t jump right into matrimony unless you meet in Vegas or on a reality show. The types of women that do that aren’t typically the type I am interested in. I want someone a little more careful, like my sweet girl.

Mysweet girl. We haven’t labeled it yet, and I get why she would be apprehensive, but if she thinks we aren’t already in a relationship, she hasn’t been paying attention.

“Let’s go get you hitched, bro,” Kent exclaims, coming up with the other groomsmen.

“Don’t worry,” Ralphie, Robby’s brother-in-law and lone NHL star of the bunch, says. “I brought plenty of tissues. We all know you’re going to blubber like a baby when you see her.”

“That’s rich coming from the man who cried enough tears to ice a hockey rink when he married Morgan,” my buddy quips.

“Exactly. I know what I’m talking about.”

“Time to get into position,” the officiant announces.

“Show time!” I exclaim with a smile.

Robby and Carina’s wedding is taking place at an old winery that was recently updated to include an event space. We stand at the edge of the vineyard overlooking rows and rows of grapes. It’s a picturesque location and has a romantic vibe to it. I’d almost say it reminds me of Tuscany, but all the Italians in attendance would be quick to correct me.

I smile as I watch the bridesmaids walk down the aisle. They’re all beautiful in their silky dresses of varying shades of pinks and reds. I laugh when Tiffany mouths, “You ain’t ready,” to Robby before she takes her spot.

He may not be ready to see Carina, but I was equally unprepared to see Lola. She is a vision in a flowy berry dress as she floats down the aisle. She appears to be taking in the view when I sense her eyes stop on me. I smirk at the once-over she gives me, which causes her to blush and bite her lip as she hurries the rest of the way to her spot.

While everyone stands and shifts to watch the bride walk down the aisle, I can’t tear my gaze away from my girl. She’s breathtaking. But more than that, she radiates joy. She is so happy for her cousin and our friend that I can’t help but beam. I thought today might be hard for her, considering she is in the middle of ending her marriage, but she seems elated.

* * *

Rings are exchanged and vows are read, but I barely notice. I am too busy soaking in Lola. I almost push Sean ahead of me so I can be paired with her down the aisle, but I settle for shooting her a wink as I take Tiffany’s arm.

“Won’t be long till we’re back here,” Tiffany comments.

Confused, I ask, “What? The winery?”

“No, dummy, a wedding.”

“Who else is getting married?”

She gives me a sly expression, “Based on the way your eyes were glued to a certain Maid of Honor, I’d say you.”

“Might be jumping the gun a little there, Tiff. Lola is skittish about anything too serious.”

“Please, serious is the only thing she knows how to do. It’s walking, it’s talking, it’s eating bread from your hand. Just because she isn’t calling it a duck doesn’t mean it isn’t. She might be more ready than you think.”

“Yeah?” I question, hopefully. I’m ready to make things official with Lola. I know her divorce is dragging. She doesn’t talk much about it, but she says she has it under control. I don’t know the timing of all that, and I don’t really care. I want the world to know she’s mine.