“I mean it, Cap. You look good this morning. Got that fresh fucked glow on ya. Get some last night?”
“Get me some? What are you, a twenty-year-old frat boy?” I admonish. He isn’t wrong. Lola and I have been going strong for a few weeks now. I woke her up this morning with my face between her thighs before popping her on my lap until we both were satisfied and hungry for a real breakfast.
“Don’t mind him,” Robby says, joining us. “Someone gave him an energy electrolyte pack instead of a normal one. He’s extra hyped up.”
“Like a kid on a sugar high,” I murmur.
“Accurate,” Robby laughs. “But I do have to agree with him. You’re looking good today. I think it is safe to assume that you and a certain Bunny are getting along?”
“Why do y’all call her Bunny?” I ask, avoiding this line of questioning.
“Lola Bunny. The hot rabbit from Space Jam.” Kent states. His expression becomes indignant at my lack of immediate recognition. “Do you live under a rock?”
“I never made that connection. I figured you called her Bunny because Robby has a thing for animal nicknames.”
That garners a laugh from Robby. “What?”
“Kitten, Papa Bear, Bunny, all animal names,” I note.
“Huh, I never noticed that but no. The Bunny nickname long predates me. I think her friend Georgie came up with it.”
“Speaking of nicknames,” I say, “I nearly put my foot in my mouth the other night because Lola’s workout instructor goes by one.”
“What was the name?” Robby inquires.
“Charlie, short for Charlotte not Charles,” I reply.
“Ah, and let me guess, Lola and Charlie were doing all kinds of stuff together?”
“Yeah, Charlie is who Lola spends time with when Carina and Tiffany are busy. I may have commented about not wanting her to do those things with another man.”
“Wait, I think I’ve met Charlie. Isn’t she a lesbian?” Kent adds to the conversation.
“How is that any different?”
“Because I know for a fact that Charlie isn’t packing the type of equipment Lola needs,” I comment with a sly grin.
“Barf,” Robby mutters.
“If you didn’t end up putting your foot in your mouth, big guy, did you put something else in there?” Kent asks with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“Gross, dude! That is my cousin-in-law. Can we not talk about her sex life?” Robby groans.
“Fuck off, Becker. We’ve had to deal with your lovesick, sex drunk ass for the past year. But yes, we can. I’m not talking about my girl that way and none of you will either.”
“Your girl, huh?” he smirks.
“Yes, my girl. Got a problem with that?” I bite.
“No problem at all Papa Bear. She deserves a guy like you – loyal, steady, and totally gone for her.”
Before I can respond to his comment, team asshole, Derrick Jones, pops into the locker room. “You ladies coming? We’ve got a game to win.”
* * *
After a solid win against Jacksonville, the whole crew decides to go out to celebrate. I wanted to pick Lola up, but she was already with the girls and they’re meeting us there. Instead of Holler's, the group decide to try out one of the bigger honky-tonks on Broadway.