“Because I don’t want you to overthink. I am a straightforward guy. When I decide I want something, I go for it. I don’t do things in half measures. I’m sure of this, but I’ve had time to sit on it and you haven’t. I don’t want you worrying about me or my intentions. I plan to always make them crystal clear. I want you. I want to get to know you, to spend time with you, and to see if this, us, could be as good as I think. You got me?”

“Um, yes?”

“Not very convincing, but I’ll take it for now. Can you be ready in half an hour?”

Dazed by his confession and assertiveness, I nod.

“Good girl, be back soon,” he declares as he kisses my head and leaves the room.

* * *

It takes a few minutes of sitting there for me to process what the hell happened. I drink the water and take the pills before going to shower. While hot water washes away the shit show that was last night, I wonder what I have gotten myself into.

An hour later, Miller and I are sitting together eating the best chicken fried chicken I have ever had at a cute but casual restaurant on 12th South.

“Good?” he asks, watching as I pop a tater tot in my mouth.

Blushing, I nod as he smiles at me, pleased.

“I’m surprised you’re eating this,” I observe.

“Why is that?”

“From what I’ve heard you’re pretty strict on your diet and don’t stray much during the season.”

“What you’ve heard, huh?” He smirks. “You’re right, though. I usually eat clean but I do occasionally allow myself to eat off plan when it’s worth it.”

“And this greasy brunch food is worth it?”

“Meh. Don’t get me wrong, the food is amazing but wouldn’t necessarily be my first choice for a cheat meal.”

“Then why are you eating it?”

“I know better than to make a girl eat alone. And you, my sweet girl, needed greasy food. I would’ve eaten McDonald’s if that is what you wanted.”

“That is nice of you.”

“Most people would say I’m a nice guy. Although, I’ve heard someone is spreading a rumor that I eat people’s faces off,” he comments with amusement in his eyes.

“Weird,” I choke.

“Yeah, weird.” After quietly eating for a few minutes, he speaks again. “I think I made it pretty clear at your place this morning but in case I didn’t, I’m planning to pursue you, Lola. I figure you won’t make it easy on me. That’s okay. I’m up for the challenge. But I need to know if you’re interested because the last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable or push you into something you don’t want. It would be a waste of both our time.”

Clearing my throat I reply, “I’m notnotinterested. But there are some things you should probably know about me.”

“Lay it on me.”

Staring down at my plate I try to figure out exactly how much I want to tell him. Before I begin, he grabs my hand in his, forcing me to peer up at his soft expression. “I know I’m putting a lot on you right now. We don’t have to go through everything today. I think it would be good to lay our cards on the table now, but just know there isn't much you can say that will change my mind about you.”

He says that, but I don’t know if I believe him. I’ve got more baggage than an Amtrak. If my husband could change his mind about me, there is no reason he couldn’t, too. As I consider how much I want to tell him, my mouth decides to go all in.

“I’m married,” I blurt out.


“Well, kind of.”

“How can someone be kind of married?”