Before I dive too deep into those thoughts, there is a knock at my door. We’ve had a long day, and I am exhausted, but I answer anyway. I’m the captain and someone might need me. Opening the door, I find Robby and Kent, our right fielder, with a six-pack of beer. “Hi, Papa Bear,” Kent greets as he lets himself into my room.

“Sure, come on in,” I deadpan.

“Thanks, man.” Robby says, patting me on the shoulder and making his way inside.

“To what do I owe the pleasure of you clowns showing up?”

“Like you didn’t want to see our beautiful faces,” Kent teases.

“Can you ever behave?” Robby asks him before turning to me. “We came to check on you, Cap. You’ve been a little… high strung, and we wanted to see if everything was okay.”

“Maybe he did. I came to raid your Pop-Tart stash,” Kent admits. “What? Don’t pretend you don’t have one!” he adds when he catches my glare.

Rolling his eyes, Robby continues, “Come on, man, you’re always here for us. We want to do the same for you.”

“My brother’s wife is pregnant,” I say with a sigh.

“Kevin? That’s awesome, man! Although your face says it isn’t awesome?” Robby questions.

“No, it’s great. They’ve been trying since they got married and I know they’ll be incredible parents. My mom is over the moon.”

“Then what’s got your scowl-ier than usual?” Ken asks, handing me a beer.

“I don’t know. I guess it’s got me thinking about the things I’m missing out on. The things I’ve sacrificed. I’m not saying I want to be a dad tomorrow, but at my current pace, I don’t know if it will ever happen. I thought I’d want to wait until after I retired to settle down, but that is still hopefully years away. I want to find someone who will be a forever partner, not just whoever is available when I’m ready.”

“I get it, man,” Robby affirms. “I thought the same thing. I thought I wouldn’t want a relationship while in the game, but when I got the chance to have Carina back, I was going to miss out. You need to open yourself up to the opportunity and see what the universe sends you.”

“The universe? Really, man?” I mock.

“Ugh, sorry. I’ve spent the last couple weeks surrounded by Carina and her best friends. One of them is into all that hippy dippy astrology shit.”

“Isn’t her friend single? Maybe you can set Miller up with her,” Kent suggests.

Robby laughs, “Absolutely not. Tiffany and Miller would be aterriblematch. He’d run for the hills after five minutes. Lola, on the other hand, might be a good match. She’s going through some shit right now, though. Maybe after the season I can set you up.”

“Thanks for the offer, but I’m good for now,” I huff. “I’ll see what the universe” – I add air quotes – “brings me.”

“You got it. Now, let’s dig into these beers and talk about which rookies we think we can get to puke tomorrow.”



After five weeks in Florida for spring training, I am ecstatic to get back home. I’ve been in the league for a decade at this point. While I love it, spending a month in a basic ass hotel with a bunch of dudes and sweating my ass off has lost its shine. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful every day to have the opportunity, but I thrive in a routine and familiar environment. Spring training throws that off.

As I lean my head back against the elevator, I hear a voice yell, “Hold it, please.” I jolt my arm out to stop the door from closing. When I do, a cute little thing with short, brown hair makes her way in.

“Thank you,” she exhales, catching her breath.

“No problem,” I say. Giving her a quick glance. She seems familiar, but I only got a peek at her face before she turned around. “Do you live here or are you visiting?” I ask.

“I live here. I moved in last month, but I am switching units this weekend since my cousin-in-law is back. I had to run to the store to grab more moving essentials,” she replies, shaking a shopping bag.

“Well, welcome to the building… again, I guess,” I laugh.

“Thank you. Have you lived here long?”

“I’ve lived here for about five years, ever since I got traded to Nashville.”