“Oh, I’m glad it’s you,” Willa gushes. Seeing my confusion, she continues, “I met the woman you’re being matched with tonight. She is definitely going to need an experienced hand. She was a little nervous and unsure. Very cute, though. She’s totally your type.” She blushes, realizing she is rambling.

“That is good to know. I am happy to help,” I remark as one of the House Doms, Craig, comes up to get his pairing. He grabs both files from Eric and hands mine over to me. He flips through his and sets it back on the desk with a dissatisfied expression

“I can lead you to the rooms,” Willa comments. “They’ve been waiting for a little while. I bet they’re getting antsy.”

“We can find the way on our own. This isn’t our first rodeo,” Craig sneers, condescendingly. I make a mental note to have Cole talk to the Doms about how they speak to staff members. He shouldn’t be giving her attitude for doing her job.

“Thank you for the offer, Willa,” I say.

I review the file of the woman I’m meeting before giving it back to Eric. She has a degradation kink. I’m surprised Cole thought I would be the right match for her. Don’t get me wrong, I can play any role, but the way he and Willa were talking about her led me to believe she was a good girl-type. I typically go for women who are more into praise than degradation, but since I’m playing substitute tonight, I guess I get what I get.

I make my way down the hall after Craig. When I get to the doorI knock hard before turning the handle. When I open it, I am met with the sight of a beautiful creature standing in the middle of the room. Not only is she short, but she is also slender with slight curves shown off by a tight dark, velvet dress.

Her long brown hair is striking against her metallic mask, but none of that compares to the big, hazel eyes that bore into me. After I take her in for a few moments, I realize I haven’t said anything, and she is frozen in place. Her file made it sound as if she has a good understanding of what she wants in bed, but Cole did say she was new. As the Dom in this scenario, it’s up to me to make the first move.

“Are you going to stand there staring at me all night you dirty little slut? As much as I enjoy your eyes devouring me, I have plans to fuck them into the back of your head,” I say in greeting.

She sucks in a breath but other than that, she doesn’t make a move. She must need a bit more prodding.

“Not used to man calling it like he sees it? Not used to a man ready to use your body for his pleasure? Don’t worry, if you’re a good little whore, I’ll make sure you’re so exhausted you sleep for a week,” I promise. “Come here.”

That kicks her into gear and she slowly makes her way closer to me. As she does, I drink her in. Everything about her is breathtaking, despite her small stature. I think my hands could span her entire rib cage.

“She does know how to obey. That’s good, pet. Turn around.” As she spins, I see her small curves in her dress. My hands itch to touch the soft fabric, but I need to ensure she is ready for everything about to happen first. While her back is to me now, we are standing in front of a full-length mirror. I wait for her to meet my gaze before I keep going.

“Do you remember everything they went over in your paperwork?” I ask. She nods in response. It’s then I realize I haven’t heard her talk yet. “Words,” I grit. I need her verbal acknowledgment before this goes further.

“Yes,” she breathes out quietly. Alright, then we’re good to go. Examining her, it is hard to believe she is into degradation. I know you can’t always tell someone’s kink by their appearance, but she has this air of sweetness and vulnerability to her with those big doe eyes. I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum, though. If this pixie wants to be degraded, degraded she will be.

“Normally I’d tell a slut like you to get on your knees, but I don’t think you’d be able to reach my cock from there. Take off your dress and kneel on the bed.” When she remains where she is, I give her a sharp slap on the ass and tell her to get moving.

She quickly goes over to the bed and glances at me from across the room. I walk over to the dresser and start to get more comfortable. I remove my watch and take off my jacket. I take my time scanning her body without her dress. Her perfect breasts and pert, pink nipples are on display as she kneels in a pair of delicate lace panties.

I can’t help but smirk as I watch her check out my abs and chest. I earned this body through hours spent at the gym and in practice. But I have never felt as proud of it as I do now with how her gaze eats me up. When her eyes snap back up to mine, I address her again.

“Look at you on your knees waiting for me. You’re needy, aren’t you? Pathetic and desperate for my cock? Your greedy pussy is going to have to wait until I’m ready. I want you begging for it before I give it to you,” I state.

I expect to see heat flare in her eyes or watch her clench her thighs, but her body language and facial expression don’t give anything away. If I was an outside observer, I would say she wasn’t into this, but she is the one who filled out the profile questionnaire. She’d have no reason to lie unless she was trying to get paired with a specific Dom based on kink. There is no way for her to know who she’d match with, though. Profile matches are random and based on availability and preferences which can vary by the day. While newbies are only matched with House Doms or other approved, experienced members, regular members can match with each other.

The idea that she might have wanted to be with someone else tonight causes pain in my chest. This little doll is mine – at least for tonight, anyway. Doll is the right word for her with her big eyes and delicate features. I wish I could peer into them again, but she isn’t making eye contact, it’s almost as if she’s staring through me which will not do. I guess I need to amp this up another level.

“What’s wrong, pet? You don’t want me to call you desperate? But you are, aren't you? You came here tonight to be my fuck doll. Desperate for me to make a mess of you. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To be my pathetic little whore?”

Just when I think she is going to respond, she bursts into sobs. For a moment, I freeze. What is happening? I’ve never had anyone react this way to me before. Sure, I’ve had partners tear up after an intense orgasm but never full body weeping. I know part of degradation is humiliation, but that should be turning her on, not making her cry.

I move toward her to try to offer a comforting touch but she flinches back and clambers to the other side of the bed. “Why are you being mean to me?” she gets out in between sobs.

Mean? That isn’t the word most people would use in this context. I know she isn’t experienced, but her file said degradation was her kink. She thinks I’m being mean to her? Isn’t that what she wanted? Something is not right. This has gone all wrong since the second I walked into the room. I need to see where she is at ASAP. I need to turn this encounter around.

“Color?” I inquire.

I think she says, “what?” in between hiccups.

“What color are you?”

She takes a few deep breaths and manages to get an answer out. “White, although I’m Italian… Maybe olive?”

White? Olive? What the hell is she talking about?