Page 96 of Don't Hate Me

But I understood it all too well. I felt it too.

And because of it, I would end this for the both of us. It was the least I could do.

Because of me, this continued on far too long.

It was already dark outside, so it was easy for me to steal some of her all-black clothing and head out the back. Like he had hinted, there was not a soul outside watching our house.

All the cars and carefully disguised people that lingered in the trees had disappeared, leaving me alone and shivering in the darkness.

He wanted something else. Revenge. Obviously the USB was incriminating, but Russell was a man of wounded pride.

He probably didn’t care about what was on there. His boss may have, but not Russell.

I knew what waited for me if I chose to go to him. I had been through it over and over again. He wouldn’t kill me at first. He would make me cry out for him. Make me remember why it was a mistake to ever betray him in the first place.

And first, he wanted totalk.

So talk we would.

But if he was expecting the little girl that ran away years ago to show up in front of him and just take whatever he was about to dish out, he would be wrong.

Things crunched under my boots as I walked down the path behind the houses. The cold was starting to seep into my bones, but I kept my gaze unwavering, looking for any sign that he may be near.

About a block away from the house we were staying at , there was an all-black SUV waiting for me. The windows were tinted so dark that I couldn’t make out anything inside. A man in a suit waited for me and opened the back door for me when I approached.

Another guy rounded the car, seemingly appearing from nowhere, and patted me down. His movements were rough, a bit punishing. In that moment, I was glad I didn’t bring a knife with me.

His hand paused when it reached my pocket, the USB and the note feeling like they were burning a hole in my pocket when his eyes narrowed on me.

“We both know what it is,” I said. “Take it, and you’ll have to explain to your boss why I woke up the entire neighborhood screaming bloody murder.”

He watched me for a moment too long before motioning for me to get in the car.

“Mrs. Crowe,” the one holding the door greeted as I stepped in. The shock of the name falling from his lips made me freeze.

I bit my tongue to stop from snapping at him. I wanted nothing more than to slam my fist into his face, daring him to say it again until he was bloody and unconscious.

I may not have been the same girl as I was back then, but for my safety, I acted like it.

The man who patted me down slipped in the back and stared at me in warning. The car jerked forward without warning, causing my heart to pound in my chest.

There was no indication of where we were going on the note. If there was, I would have left it for Quinn to come find whatever was left of my body.

Would she burn it like I asked?

I had hope that I would get out of there alive, but I didn’t let it consume me like I once had.

Hope was a dangerous, reckless feeling that caused you to act before you thought. When facing people like Russell, a bitter, cold anger was better.

I took in the men around me with the same anger, taking in every single detail.

They were dressed in suits, a flag pinned on their lapels. They both had guns strapped to their hips.

Are they impersonating secret service agents, or are they truly the same type of people I have been working with over the last few years?

They sure looked the part.

They were clean-shaven and barely gave me any second notice, and the car made its way to its destination.