Page 94 of Don't Hate Me

Her work had told us that they would let us know when it was “safe” for her to leave, but we hadn’t heard a peep from them.

I couldn’t help but think this was all intentional. They wanted us here, slowly going insane, so that when they finally swooped in to take her, I wouldn’t be able to stop them.

But this wasn’t the first time I had ever stayed awake this long, and the reminder of the burning cold as I stowed away on a ship sailing toward Russia was alive and well in my mind.

Compared to that, this job was somewhat of a treat. I had everything I needed.Including her.

“You know neither of us knows the answer to that,” I forced out through clenched teeth. Not only had this been my third call from him since everything happened, but the lack of sleep was starting to get to me.

I had about two more days before it did me in. Until then, I would try to suffice with naps, but nothing longer.

Regardless of how safe Rolf said this place was or the fact that we had a team of service members watching our place, I couldn’t chance having any of them coming to take her.

The plan was becoming clearer now. Less like a fever dream and more like an actual way out.

I just needed a big enough distraction.

“Did you learn anything about what she knows?” he pried. “The client is getting antsy.”

My eyes shifted back to Blake. She was watching me and could probably hear our conversation, but I didn’t care. If anything, I wanted her to hear. Wanted her to know the decision I was making for her.

“You mean about Alec Crowe?” I asked. Blake stiffened as I spoke. The spoon that she had been holding loosely in her hand was now being held tightly. As if ready for a fight. “No. Sorry. We’ve mostly been hashing out what happened with her husband. Something I’m sure you’re already aware of.”

“And did you hear anything about how involvedhewas?”

In all honesty, I probably could have just let Rolf keep talking and ruin it himself. I knew there was something he hadn’t been telling me from the start, but the more I learn from Blake, the more convinced I am that this whole thing is some type of setup.

From what it looked like, her husband wanted to enact revenge on her for leaving her. But before he did that, he wanted to do some damage control. But if the USB had already been given to a government agent, why the fuck wasn’t he behind bars?

Now that I knew about Russell, the whole job seemed that much more simple, but why was it so hard for him to open his mouth and tell me it himself?

“No,” I said with a growl. “Now, if you excuse me. I would like to have just one fucking day where you aren’t bothering me.”

I hung up just as his angry shout filtered through the phone. I didn’t care. There wouldn’t be a time after this when he would be able to punish me.

“Is he why you won’t sleep?” Blake asked after a moment.

“One of them,” I admitted, my eyes sliding toward hers. “Your husband is the other.”

Her lips twisted into a scowl. I wanted so badly to close the space between us and kiss her until she never made that face again.

“So you realize he’s dangerous now?”

I couldn’t help but smile at her tone. It’s almost like she had been holding onto the hope that I would be able to take him.

I could.

It was his boss that I was worried about, not him. Russell was but an annoying fly circling averyangry boar.

It was the boar that would do the damage. The one I was afraid of.

In all my jobs, Ialwayshad the element of surprise. My targets wouldn’t know what hit them until their lives were drained from them.

But Russell had seen me. Seen my face. My eyes. They were the things that gave me away.

When I was younger, I reveled in the nickname they gave me because of it.The Sapphire Demon.Now it was not only embarrassing, but it gave away everything I was trying to hide.

I had thought long and hard about why Russell let himself get shot like he had.