Page 77 of Don't Hate Me

“I could kill you.”

I couldn’t help the moan that spilled from my lips.

She could.She could pull the trigger right now and my miserable existence would be over. At least it would mean that I wouldn’t have to finish this job.

Something that should have been easy for me, but it turned complicated once I tasted her on my lips.

“Do it,” I dared.

Her wetness dripped onto my fingers, and I used it to massage her clit.

Even in the darkness, I could see the familiar blush spread across her face.

“Are you not scared?” she asked. “One wrong move, and I could blow your brains out.”

She let out a strangled moan when I forced two fingers inside of her.

“This is the most turned-on I’ve been in my life,” I admitted. “Keep the gun there while I fuck you. Better yet, force me to keep going until you can’t come anymore.”

I expected her to pull away, but yet again, Blake surprised me.

She lifted herself up just enough to allow my fingers better access. She leaned forward, putting a hand right beside my head. Her eyes were level with mine, and the grip of her gun stayed steady.

“I won’t forget about this,” she warned.

A wicked smile spread across my face.

“I hope not,” I said in a teasing tone. Satisfaction exploded through me when she ground her hips against my hand.

“You think an orgasm will make me forget about this?” she growled.

“No,” I said hurtfully, and I fit a finger into her. I fucked her slowly, savoring the look on her face, and I brought her close to an orgasm. The sound of my fingers fucking her wet cunt filled the air, causing my own pussy to clench. “Maybe it’s time we were both a little more honest, huh?”

I picked up my pace, letting my heel slam into her clit with each thrust.

Her mouth dropped open, moans spilling out.

“I don’t owe you answers,” she spat. “But you owe me a lot, considering.”

I paused in my motions, only for her to push the gun harder into me. Something flashed across her eyes. A recognition, or maybe an idea. Whatever it was caused her to force the gun past my lips.

“Maybe I should make better use of your mouth since all it does is lie.”

Before I could stop her, she lifted herself from me and turned around. In my mind, I cursed her for putting her guard down but quickly swallowed my complaints when she lowered her pussy onto my face.

I grabbed her hips, pulling her to my mouth like she had done mine.

I was vaguely aware of her pulling my shorts down.

I gasped into her when I felt the cool metal of the gun push against my clit.

“Keep going,” she ordered. “God, you have such a pretty pussy. It’s a shame.”

“I’ve never been called pretty in my life,” I mumbled into her folds.

“So pretty,” she cooed. “And so wet.” As if to prove her point, she trailed the gun from my clit to my entrance.

“Think I could fuck you with this?” she asked.