Page 70 of Don't Hate Me

I don’t want your fucking attention.Inside I was torn between being creeped out and anger.

I knew this was a bad fucking job, so why did my boss do this to me?

“The events were mostly around New York, with the rare visit to DC before my assignment,” I said. “Though it was nothing exciting.”

Please just stop talking. Please just stop talking. Please just—

“Did you want it to be more exciting?” he asked, his eyes never wavering from my face. “I mean, you’re young. Heard you entered this career even younger. I would expect someone like you to want the more exciting role, yet you only just took one after all your years with the Secret Service.”

I swallowed thickly. I don’t know what it was about him that tipped me off, but I got some serious bad vibes from the man. I mostly hung around his wife and kids while he was holed up in the office or doing other things, so I didn’t get to interact with him like this.

I was glad I didn’t fully shut the door behind me.

I tried to stop my eyes from looking back at it so as not to let him know just how uncomfortable I was. But by the gleam in his eye, maybe he was excited about the possibility of me being stuck in here against my will.

“Is this a bribe?”

His face cracked, and he let out a laugh.

“No, just making conversation,” he said. “Is it wrong to try and get to know people in my service?”

Not your service, but the government’s,I wanted to say, but I didn’t let it slip past my lips.

Even if everyone else wasn’t sure he would win the presidency, he sure as hell was.

“It seems your research was pretty thorough,” I mused. “Maybe this conversation isn’t needed.”

Something passed through his eyes before a smile spread across his lips.

“Maybe it’s not,” he agreed and took a step back. “You can go now. Thank you.”

I nodded and left the way I came, feeling his eyes on me the entire time.

* * *

Will you come over tonight?

I stared at the unanswered text message on my phone with a frown. The silence in my apartment seemed that much more prominent now that Quinn wasn’t messaging me back. It had been over five hours since I sent it, a new record for her.

Besides the first time I ever sent a message, she usually responded right away, and her lag caused a new anxiety to sprout within me.

Did Sloan say something to scare her off?Sloan didn’t seem like the type of person who would intentionally scare off someone I was interested… but she did seem rather worried about her.

The image of Avery wiping the blood that had come from Quinn’s hair off my hands caused me to shudder.

What kind of person would come to the club drenched in blood? It was obvious that she had tried to shower it off beforehand given her damp hair, but had she really been in such a rush that she would miss it so completely?

That didn’t seem like Quinn.

From what I could tell so far, she was meticulous in everything she did. In the way she dressed, her suit was always without a wrinkle. In the way she interacted with me. She always knew what to say, like she had thought it out well before I said anything.

The only time I seemed to catch her off guard was when we had sex.

Or maybe… she finally got bored of you?

Was our time enough for her? Based on her words, I would have assumed she was just as interested in me as I was in her….

For the first time, I wasn’t afraid to admit it.