Page 55 of Don't Hate Me

“I lost my virginity later than most,” I said after a while. Embarrassment creeping up on me.

“Never met the right person?” she asked.

“More like…”I was too busy murdering random people for money.“No chance to form a connection deep enough to even try.”

“So what did you do?” Her hand found mine under the blankets and threaded our fingers together. Such a small gesture… but it made the tightness in my chest grow. I had to pause to adjust to the feeling.

“I knew I couldn’t put it off any longer, so I asked my coworker to help me… experience it,” I admitted. Shame and embarrassment washed through me. I remember the encounter so vividly it caused my chest to tighten.

It was another assassin in the seduction unit. She was perfect. Taught me the basics and made me come a few times, but it was no longer than a quick forty-five-minute session, and I never saw her again. We had planned to practice again a few times after, but she had been decommissioned.

Even so many years later, I felt a bitterness fill me. I was upset back then. She hadn’t been the first person to die that I knew, but she had… meant something to me.

But that was just how the job was.

Besides that, I often had to kiss or touch targets to get them to a secluded place, but once I was there I could end the job quickly.

I never had to probe them for information like this before.

“Where are they now?” she asked.

Dead.“We don’t work at the same job anymore,” I said with a strained smile.

“There’s no shame in any of that,” she said, reading me all too well again. “My first time was… well, let’s just say that person may have unknowingly set off the reason why I have anxiety attacks now.”

I latched onto the information.

Was this how she knew Alec Crowe?

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said and squeezed her hand. I don’t know why I did it, just that it seemed right in the moment. “I am glad to hear you don’t have them often anymore.”

She let out a hum before turning back toward me.

“Let’s go back to bed, yeah?” she asked. “If you stay until morning, I can guarantee you a hot coffee on the house.”

A smile pulled at my lips. “Sounds like a deal.”

I had never slept in the same bed as someone else. Especially one that I was going to kill. But that night I found myself falling asleep faster than I ever had before, with the sound of Blake’s steady breathing following through my dreams.


“Is this a… date?” I asked with a light laugh.

Quinn’s gaze, which had been locked on the windows to our right, met mine. Her hair was slightly disheveled from sleep, and there were small dark circles under her eyes. I wondered if sleeping in a stranger’s bed had any effect on her. I stayed up quite late, listening to the sound of her breathing, but not once did she stir.

She wore the prior day’s clothing and held a hot cinnamon cappuccino in her hands.

Unlike me, who had gulped down their hot coffee in a matter of minutes, she seemed to want to savor the drink.

No matter, after the night before, I needed the coffee. Quinn may have been able to sleep soundly, but my nerves kept me up. I didn’t trust Quinn. She was a stranger who found her way into my apartment. No matter what kept drawing me to her, there was a bigger part reminding me that I knew virtually nothing about her.

That thought alone kept me up most of the night.

She shifted in her seat, crossing her legs and leaning back into the car with a sly smile.

“Do you want it to be?” she asked.

I leaned forward, placing my chin on my hands.