Page 4 of Don't Hate Me

She scrambled backward, the understanding of what just happened finally dawning on her. Her mouth flopped open in horror, a scream building. I gave her a look.

“Quiet,” I reminded her, holding a single finger to my clothed lips.

Her hand was shaky as she brought it up to her mouth. All the color left her face, and she looked like she was about to—her body convulsed as the vomit all but launched from her mouth.

She had just enough time to turn to the side before it got all over that sparkly dress of hers that no doubt cost whatever this old bastard was paying her a good chunk of money.

With quick movements, I placed my hands on the hard surface, then swung myself over the desk and landed right in front of her. This time, she jumped away and didn’t try to stop the bloodcurdling scream that fell from her lips.

My free hand shot forward to grab her by the throat and manually stop her scream.

“Ah, ah,ah,” I whispered, unable to clamp down the small burst of excitement building in my chest. “What did I say about screaming?”

Tears fell from her eyes and a voiceless “please” fell from her lips. I had the urge to pull my hand away so I could hear her begging, but wouldn’t risk her scream.

“Things don’t look good for you,” I whispered. “First you fuck this low life, then you ruin my plans. You couldn’t have just gone for some fresh air, hm? Or maybe taken some time to yourself in the bathroom? Now I’m gonna have to jump out a fucking window because you thought sucking his cock would be better.”

She made a noise in the back of her throat that sounded a lot like a “please,” but it came out more like a gurgle.

“Don’t you feel bad about what you did to his family?” I asked, tilting my head. “He has kids, a wife, could you really look at them while sitting at the dinner table all while knowing had his cock in your mouth just moments prior?”

She was panicking. I could see it in her eyes. How they widened. How they darted from me to the dead man behind me. She was trying to think of a way to save herself.

“No,” I murmured, my eyes searching her face. Her eyes gave no indication that she felt bad about what she was doing. “I don’t think you care that his kids will grow up without a father and that all the debt he had accrued because of you is now the responsibility of his widow, do you?”

I shot a look back at the man who was currently slumped over in the chair. He was a corrupt state treasurer who got a bit too handsy, not my usual target. Buther…

I sent the girl a smile, though I’m sure it looked more sinister with the blood splattered across my mask.

I brought my bloodied knife to her cheek causing her to let out a fearful squeak.

“You had it all and threw it away for someone who wouldn’t even buy you the Mercedes you wanted,” I mused. “Your kids? Your husband? Forget any career in government after this. Men may be able to get away with affairs without imploding their careers, but you got the short end of the stick, my dear.” I ended my sentence with a light chuckle.

I couldn’t help myself. The excitement from the kill was already setting in, and I could easily imagine just how beautiful the woman in front of me would look with her own blood staining her skin.

And those eyes… they were calling to me.

I let the edge of my knife trail her lower lashes.Just one slip, and they would be mine.

Heavy footsteps sounded from the hallway beyond.


“Your husband says hi,” I told her. “How about you stay in his bed next time, hm?”

Without another word, I threw the sobbing woman to the ground and headed for the windows. I pushed it open without hesitation, only pausing when the cold night air hit my face. A sigh escaped my lips.

Beautiful night.

The stars twinkled in the light as if to let me know that even though the curtains were drawn, they all saw what I had done in there.

I swung my legs over the sill with a smile and jumped.

The door being broken down and the scream from the bloodied woman muffled my fall from the third-story window.

I had worn extra-padded shoes just in case, but they did nothing for me.

With a grunt, I pushed myself off the ground and made an exit for the parked cars in the back. I took deep breaths, letting the cool night air sing my throat and lungs. It helped me keep focused though the pain.