Page 22 of Don't Hate Me

She let me help her off the stool and out into the lobby. “It just gets me so angry,” she muttered. “I thought we had something.”

“Sometimes the flame just dies quicker in some relationships than others,” I said, leading her to the back of the club, opposite the performance rooms.

She continued complaining about Blake. Each word was just more fuel added to the fire, slowly eating me alive. She didn’t care who overheard her talking shit about the person she was supposed to have her heart. It seemed like at times she evenwantedthem to hear.

Just like her words were building up the need to murder inside me, they seemed to just make her angrier and angrier as she spoke. I was half concerned that she may even explode with it.

I pushed us out into the almost-finished backyard. It was much quieter than the inside, and there was not a soul in sight. In front of us was a half-finished stage that was marked off with thin black tarps. Just beyond there was a small back house concealed in the trees and shrubbery.

Darkness cascaded over the area, but the security camera’s small red dots broke through the night. I made note of each and every one, making sure they matched the map I had in my head.

“Fresh air is nice,” she commented. “You know, evenyouare treating me better than she does, and I don’t even know you.”

I let out a laugh and led her around the side of the house, trying to hide from the security cameras that were pointing straight at us.

There was a large tree right by the gate, and on the other side were large bushes that hid us from view.If I could just get her over there…

“Should I be scared you’re taking me to a secluded, dark place?” she asked with a laugh. All the anger subsided from her face, now just replaced with the giddiness of a person who was about to get fucked.

The empty martini glass was in her hand and she waved it about, motioning to the darkness around her.

“Actually,” I said as we reached the blind spot and grabbed her by the front of her shirt, pulling her closer. “You should be.”

I grabbed the martini glass, hitting the top of it against the tree, causing it to shatter. Her gasp was cut short as I forced the broken stem into her neck. She struggled against me. Her eyes turned wide and filled with tears as her mouth opened to beg me to let her go.

But she couldn’t speak.

“Has anyone told you howfuckingannoying you are?” I asked, driving the stem further into her. “Maybe if you had a shred of decency, Blake would actually want to fuck you, you bitterbitch.”

I cursed as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she slumped onto me.

I hadn’t planned to lose my temper so easily, but the sound of her voice was still grating on my nerves, even after she lay there actively dying.

The blood started to seep into my suit, and no doubt the evidence of my crime would be left on the floor for the workers to find in the morning.

“Goddamn it,” I growled.

Now I have to figure out how to get rid of this damn thing.

* * *

Brown eyes with light flecks of black stared back at me through the glass.

The container was heavy in my hand, grounding me to my spot.

I ran the microfiber cloth over it with care, chasing away every speck of dust that had the chance to accumulate.

This was my favorite part.After all the blood. After all the noise that came with it.

The after, when I could settle in the serene. In the silence. In the comfort that I was alone.

My whole life was filled with chaos. I was constantly running. Constantly using my hands to end lives.

But in the dark hole I called my home, I could relish in the tiniest bit of freedom I had.

It was a small place. A single bedroom that I had turned into my work-slash-possession area.

There was a single pull-out couch in the living room, and nothing was stocking the random fridge I had bought for the kitchen.